
Well Chuck Todd tried to both sides this right after the hearing. Fox News had a Chyron that called it the Pelosi committee and of course The GOP is still claiming it was BLM & Antifa protestors dressed as Trump supporters. Real question: Are you soulless mother fuckers Americans or Republicans? I mean if you weren’t

I do not like the idea of more people dying from COVID one bit, but if it’s got to be anyone let it be folks who don’t think the virus, any inequality aside from the “anti-white” variety, or anything else that is not aligned with Q exists. I genuinely do not give a fuck what happens to them*, nor do I have much

Whatever, glad to know you have an opinion Tucker. Now back to regularly scheduled programming, aka you railing against vaccines to your mouth-breathing viewers.

In my viewing lifetime, this is probably the best Finals performance by a big man. All due respect to ‘03 Duncan, ‘00 Shaq and ‘94 Hakeem; not even gonna try to do a statistical comparison because the eras are too different. But this was every bit the sheer interior dominance of peak Shaq, only if he was also capable

Old Loki, why must you hurt me so?! That man really created an illusion of his home one last time and went out laughing. I already miss him. (Also makes me wonder if there is a Loki out there on an isolated planet who never came back to Asgard.)

For as great as Reggie has been, the Clips also have Pat Beverly.  And I will not root for Pat Beverly, or the team he plays for.

I’m hoping for Suns/Bucks because as incredible as Trae is, Giannis is the only player left that has a “best current NBA player” claim, and I like seeing those historically great guys remove themselves from being criticized by idiots for not having a ring.

Only ways they could eat part or all of his contract to get rid of him would be by waiving him or using the stretch provision. Unlike in baseball or (I think?) football, you can’t eat a chunk of a salary to trade a guy in the NBA.

‘You expect me to talk?’

True, but making the statement official allows for more forward actions to be built upon it.

“To live is to suffer. But to survive? Well, that’s to find meaning in the suffering.”

You think that by the time your favourite musician hits 50 he will be clear of most dangers that kill the younger ones. I don’t know any of DMX’s work, but I’m guessing a lot of people here feel like I did four years ago when Chris Cornell died at 53. Sorry, guys.

1998-1999: A new work colleague & I were driving somewhere in ATL with her four kids (6yo B, 5yo B, 4yo twin girls) on a sunny Saturday in her fresh, tricked out Durango. The kids were relatively quiet and we were chatting getting to know each other. Suddenly the 2nd and 3rd row got HYPED with four sets of arms and

This is an image Seattle City Attorney’s Office released of the guns seized from Kaleb James Cole for up to a year, under their version of a “red flag” law that only seventeen states and D.C. have. https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2019/09/04/red-flag-laws-spur-debate-over-due-process

I hope this is just the beginning of the end for Atomwaffen. Unfortunately, these are not your average MAGAs or Meal Team Six “militia” idiots. These are a group of very violent, very aggressive thugs who have been know to attack people. They have international chapters. Easily one of the most dangerous white

Can white people please get other hobbies that don’t involve fantasizing about killing people who don’t look or agree with them?

It is CRAZY how much these Trump supporters are getting duped, grifted, and fucked over by their own team, and even after having to go through their banks to get their money back, are still on team Trump.

On Lovecraft himself, I feel like a fresh biography about him and his life is needed. People tend to mainly focus on his writing or his racism, and yet from what I’ve read, he was far from a happy and mentally healthy person. His mother loved him as child, yet after his father died in an asylum from syphilis, his

“Obviously, changing the cash bail system is only a drop in the very large bucket of things that need to be done in the way of making America’s justice system less classist and racist, but the ruling in California is a good start.”