
All of this violence over a baggie of weed. A drug that White people are now allowed to make billions of dollars off of. Legally.

Yeah, there’s the problem right there. The reason why the United States moved to the left in the 1950's and 60's wasn’t because back then, a more enlightened species of robber barons ruled our businesses. Businessmen are businessmen, always and forever, which means that they will be greedy, lazy and short-sighted if

Hey. “rhomboidjones” you have earned yourself a lifetime flag and dismissal from me for your trolling and racist body of work. Numerous posts in this discussion have explained how Traitor Trump and heroic AOC are completely different, not only as human beings but in the nature of their Twitter accounts. I don’t care

I don’t know about you, but I can’t say I’m the biggest fan of constantly living with the threat of imminent global destruction hanging over my head!

$20 bucks for 3 hours is less than minimum wage.  That doesn’t sound great at all.

Yeah, the Knight First Amendment Institute has a fundamental misunderstanding of the 2nd Circuit ruling. For those that are interested, here’s a quote from the WaPo article:

The pathetic trolls that try to clog up AOC’s twitter feed can go out on the street corner and yell at the sun. That is their freeze peach. She is under no legal and certainly no moral compunction to invite lying assholes on to her platform.

If there was an attack on American soil by Afghanis, ‘We would come back with a force like ... never before,”

I despise this loudmouthed asshole. She is an ignorant demagogue, serial tax cheat and scofflaw.

It’s cute the way you think there will be a 2060.

“It is a masterpiece!”

- Dr. Arnim Zola

It is part of the spectrum of the most dangerous mental illness: lack of empathy.

Plus, give me a skewer of chicken hearts at a churrascaria, and I feel like a deservedly-worshiped dread god

Agreed. That oversight was offal.

Silver is anti-Bernie first. Studious numbers guy second. Edge-lord Twitterer constantly.

Cause he’s the only candidate that’s actually pro union and pro worker

People are tired. SO TIRED. Tired of listening to gossip. Gossip and complaints.

Oh, come on. He doesn’t pay attention to her anymore.

How on earth does a company losing this much money justify buying a brand new office to literally anyone with more than 6 functioning brain cells? The investors in this company are shit-for-brains.

$750k and the wipers don’t work. Damn you, Italy, why must you repay our love with pain?