Recently re-watched the first two Blade movies and have to agree, honestly, he could even be higher on this list.
Recently re-watched the first two Blade movies and have to agree, honestly, he could even be higher on this list.
When you ban it on the basis of Christian evangelism what is that?
Seems to me it’s the typical Christian bullshit of shoving their fairy tales down everyone’s fucking throat, as usual.
It’s hard to keep a powerful drama like that going, creative differences inevitably come into play.
One of the best Steely Dan albums ever.
Hero, the video game, ok, I’m listening.
Make no mistake, this is Christian tyranny. This is a Christian decision, advanced by Christian interests. It is the same Christian tyranny that has plagued this country since before it was founded.
Fuck you Christians, this is on all of you.
America loves being taken by grifters, it’s practically at the heart of Americana, woven into the mythology of our noble being. I’m not sure how else you could read the history of our country, it’s all there in the receipts.
So the GOP moves the goalposts to mental health, passes a token bill to address the issue, underfunds it with no research, then uses it as an example of how government always fails. Good job Dems.
Everybody’s wrong about something.
Apparently I needed to add a /s to my statement above. I thought I was pretty clearly making a joke, maybe not.
Making sure the recurring meeting schedule is adhered to in the strictest sense?
The fact that he had to employ a service to serve those papers indicates a major problem already. The when and where of the completion of that service is pretty incidental if you’re already at that point.
Catgirl and Lizardboy affirming treatment is clearly the next step towards the apocalypse. /s
White, CIS, Christian, Republican or they’re coming for you. It’s pretty simple.
I told everyone I wasn’t paranoid, at least the GOP has proven my point in that regard.
Honestly, the Maverick hybrid is kind of great on paper, hopefully they don’t balloon the price point.
Racists and supremacists want to explain their rationale and will seek out platforms on which to do it, they want to convince you that they’ve figured it out, like some intellectual booby prize. It’s like this strange urge to show you that they’re not crazy or stupid and certainly not both.
Pay per mile is inherently dangerous also and generally runs counter to training that emphasizes driving at a speed appropriate to the conditions.
Term limits.