
I appreciate Spotify driving me to explore alternative products which ended up being vastly superior for the same price.

I feel like this potentially explains so many problems in our country.

“Turn on the seat warmers Sergei, we go to drive the Russians into the sea!!”

Sadly, $1.4-1.6m in LA is middle management, not amongst the important people really.

Excellent, new Cypress is always welcome.

We had to assume it wasn’t a metal album since this site never covers those.

KD likes to argue with anyone on Twitter who critiques him and he’s the most stable member of the bunch. Nets are officially drama central now, Kyrie plays when he wants to, and while Simmons is getting away from a fanbase that was done with him and I get that, I don’t know that the New York fanbase is going to be any

Game mechanics are fun, feels good, you can build a nice flow. UI/UX is solid, clean, pretty unambiguous. Pay walls don’t seem terribly onerous. It is a Korean MMO though, so at some point it will require a time investment equivalent to a second career.

Gender locked classes is just really bizarre, no matter what

Admirable attempt, I’m having trouble putting it to Croce’s rhythm, but that’s probably more on me than you.

I can’t help but think maybe, just maybe, some of the amazing sci-fi books out there dying to be adapted could have gotten a toe in the zeitgeist, but then Emmerich cuts the line screaming about blowing up the moon...

Some friends of mine and I at the time decided that if you didn’t cry in the first 10 minutes of Up, you were probably a Cylon.

A wise man once said, ‘Don’t get high on your own supply.’ or something to that effect, Joe clearly didn’t get the memo.


Rescue the playlists.

Speed limits exist through any city or urban area and around almost all overpasses and interchanges. The places where there is no speed limit are generally in places where a speed limit would be unnecessary.
I got up to 164mph there before I lost my nerve and returned to a more reasonable cruising speed, I can’t really

Oof, could they even get anything for Nurkic at this point if they blew it up?

National Treasure 1/2 probably, suspect it wasn’t Troy.

Niners game was kind of good too. Both my teams are in the dance, no complaints, although I’ll be amazed if the Raiders can get past the Bengals. Just need the Niners to keep that energy at Jerry’s world, just feels right to have the Niners/Boys actually playing for something for a change.
I’d almost forgotten how much

It’s kind of painful watching other teams shoot the 3 after watching the Warriors all these years, I find myself going into this ‘this is almost unwatchable’ state of mind, which is completely unrealistic, but you don’t realize how skewed your perspective is from inside the fandom.

I totally forgot it was season tip-off last night until I flipped over to TNT. Hopefully Thompson/Wiseman are back in the next few weeks and we can see if the Dubs really have the pieces to compete this year. I was unreasonably happy to see Iguodala back in Warriors blue last night.