Comedy is historically one of the most powerful forms of social commentary available. It has a long tradition among stand up comedians specifically, Carlin, Hicks, Black, Bruce, even people like Kinison to a lesser extent.
Comedy is historically one of the most powerful forms of social commentary available. It has a long tradition among stand up comedians specifically, Carlin, Hicks, Black, Bruce, even people like Kinison to a lesser extent.
Neutral: Had an independent mechanic recommended to me a few years ago and it’s great, never looked back. Just being able to actually talk to my mechanic and have them show me what they’re doing and what went wrong is so much better than some clerk at the dealership blandly telling me how much they’re going to have to…
SVP and a few others had a good point about this last night, NCAA has an out clause built into this BS already.
This is a solid list, obviously with any such subjective listing there will be disagreements, I’d rank Pink Floyd, The Doors, The Police, Rush and Yes a bit higher, but these are ultimately minor quibbles.
Seriously, don’t let your boner run the show. It does not make smart decisions, it was never intended to do so.
Engineers always forget to account for the old rich dudes getting their percentage, we can’t have that. /s
I find your entire premise offensive sir. Good day, I said GOOD DAY!
I can’t wait until women can drink at their own baby showers!
It varies based on the pie, I have no interest in warm Key Lime pie or Pumpkin pie, pretty sure I can prove this is dumb with an etch-a-sketch.
Republican, Arizona, Morman, human trafficking, defrauding government programs, somebody’s hitting conservative nutjob bingo somewhere.
As a Giants fan, I can confirm that our fans our horrible, I try not to be, but I cannot bring up the average alone.
I said this earlier this week to Dodgers fan, Kershaw is one of the best regular season pitchers I’ve ever seen, he is the Giants worst nightmare, and yet, without fail, every postseason, he chokes.
No, it’s crony capitalism for the private prison industry at the expense of non-citizens whose rights can be debated while we pay for their incarceration. You have no interest in an actual working immigration policy, so please go suck a tailpipe.
The /s was for sarcasm, in this case, very intense sarcasm, bordering on absurdity.
Only Dems are pedos, Reps are iconoclasts unbound by the retrograde feminist ideals that bind modern society. /s
Really, the two of them doing a podcast together.
Max is a simple creature who thinks he’s very smart:
Unless you’re the Mongols, then you wait for winter, ride across the frozen rivers and kick the living shit out of them.
He could be you, so, yes.
The new album they released this year doesn’t suck either, but it’s not quite Bricks-level.
Where are our resident Trump trolls? I can’t even describe how disappointed I am that nobody is here carrying water for this fuck. I know you’re all hypocritical shitstain trolls, but I thought you at least had the strength to carry the party line.