
No Trumpkin trolls? No rising to his defense? Come on guys, I thought you were more committed to this bullshit.

The GOP is about crony capitalism, pretty much everything else is a shiny bauble to distract from that fact.

But not Charlie Benante, dude’s from NY, you’ll piss people off.

Exactly, this isn’t about solving a problem, this is about facilitating the processes of crony capitalism with regards to the private prison industry.

This all jibes with the Republican goal of killing poor people, brown people, and LGBTQ+ people though, so it makes perfect sense.

Well it feeds into the crony capitalist ecosystem that this shitstain lives off of, so it makes perfect sense. Find the next groups of potential victims you can hand over to your private prison cronies, then charge taxpayers for the service.

Eangelicals who believe a holy war in the Middle East will prompt the rapture.

Seriously, not joking, it’s that stupid.

I love this idea, can you imagine watching Saban get utterly trashed every year by Howard? The schadenfreude would be unmanageable, I’d have to be medicated to stop the cackling.

Not yet, but soon.

No, not a decade, but in about 20 years it will be fairly obvious, you know, just in time for your child to wonder what disease of ego validation caused you to bring them into the world.

Yes, the joy of explaining to your teenager that they’re probably going to grow up in a hellish dystopian nightmare where they’ll be lucky to survive, much less have their own children. That’s a conversation I’m absolutely dying to have, please, sign me the fuck up for that shitshow.

Why would this administration spend money on that? It’s going to accomplish killing lots of poor, brown people, all is going according to their plans. I mean, it’s probably going to go all pear-shaped on them when most of southern India tries to migrate North and Pakistan freaks out while China tries to play

Obviously I agree, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s an effective tool to be used within the context of the current socio-economic paradigm, which, as you illustrated, is fucked up.

Everybody likes to be told their special, that the universe has a place staked out for them, that they matter.

Consumption choices matter. There’s a fairly legit argument to be made that it’s your most powerful vote in this country.

Fine, I’m pretentious, I like using the language, mellifluously, like the bougie prick I am!

Perhaps having a business plan that didn’t involve squandering $16.2B over 2 years would have helped. Perhaps fraudulently advertising the benefits of the job might have helped. But hey, keep defending Capitalist Chucklefucks, whose entire business model was based on VC charity infusions.

I agree, this is the safer approach that will ultimately accomplish the same thing.

Well, when the Black Panthers showed up in Sacramento openly carrying Ronald Reagan whipped up some control right quick. Now, doing the same thing in Texas is effectively putting your lives on the line for a bunch of violent white folk given the stereotypically predicted white Texas police response to such activities.

The current WoW Classic player base is there for PvP (the why of this is obviously some ill-conceived sense of nostalgia), as you can tell by the number of new server instances they’ve opened up, which are mostly PvP.

That being said, 40 player raids were never fun, no matter how anyone remembers them.