
Dammit, I was hoping Kolache was the next code name.

I'd bear hug him or call his bluff. If the robber wants money he doesn't want to die, obviously. He wouldn't detonate the bomb unless he was forced to rob the bank or be blown up by another person/group.

Agreed. He is the embodiment of what is wrong with the Republican party. Pure social conservatism. It's amazing that the only candidate who believes in science (Huntsman) is the ONLY candidate so far that hasn't had a poll surge.

Through all the Republican nominee fighting the past year, I could comfort myself by saying "At least Rick Santorum doesn't stand a chance in hell."

Considering the amalgamation of health risks that are associated with chronic sleep loss, I could easily see additional factors that play into account causing an increase in deaths each year.

Notice all those fat guys also have personalities. You'd be surprised how easy it is to talk to women if you are fat, decent looking, and have a good sense of humor/personality.

The answer is ALWAYS no!

Some brothers wanna play that "hard" role,

...no, it's because Nuclear Bomb always beats Refrigerator (which beats Cockroach, which beats Nuclear Bomb).

...no, it's because Nuclear Bomb always beats Refrigerator (which beats Cockroach, which beats Nuclear Bomb).

Charm may suffer from Hyperhidrosis. Just saying.

Maybe I am not stylish, but comfort is my #1 priority when buying jeans. Followed closely by durability.

Man, all I wear are Hammer pants.

My girlfriend's view about my large balls are "...so close, yet so far."

The perfect jeans for those with no muscle tone!


Next week on My Strange Addiction...

I remember going to visit family who had satellite and keeping the TV on Skinimax with one hand in my pants and the other on the "last channel" button.

Wankspider.com. It's like the [Kayak.com] of porn searches!

Aw, he's an organ donor!