Same. My guilty pleasure is HGTV and Discovery.
Same. My guilty pleasure is HGTV and Discovery.
There is the original EVO 4G and the newer EVO 3D (which is also 4G, just has the 3D display). I believe those are the only two EVO models.
I was just about to mention the Thunderbolt and EVO. Sure, it's customized for GSM vs. CDMA and their respective 4G technologies, but their non-carrier hardware is essentially the same. Would you say the Sprint iPhone and Verizon iPhone are different phones?
I wonder how the breakdown would look if we collapsed across phones that are essentially the same thing (e.g. Sprint vs. AT&T vs. Verizon vs. TMobile versions).
Haha, I wear like an 8 1/2 hat size.
Same here. I wear a 5xl in the ONLY helmet I can find that fits me (Vega). Part of it is that the foam insides create pressure points on my head or temples or isn't fitting to my shaped noggin. It just seems like it would be much more comfortable.
On a more serious note, I have always wondered why bed frame manufacturers don't make bed platforms with built-in drawers for larger bed sizes (queen and king).
Thanks a lot, now I have to watch hall these videos on microgravity.
I can see their slogan: "As cool as anyone can look continuously grabbing their crotch. Cycocycle!"
I need to see this video if it exists!
To be fair, I'd rather have a truck explode and kill the surrounding area than an airplane explode and rain radioactive death across the United States.
I don't care so much that you guys are biased or nonobjective. This is a blog, and no one expects that type of objectivity. What makes my blood boil is the tendency for some editors to ban or un-star commenters when they either a) call them out on their biases or b) are biased in the other direction.
Hey, you guys skipped Windows 95!
It's kind of like how when Coke stopped making regular Coke, went to NEW Coke, made everyone bitch, and then went back to "Coke Classic" and everyone thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Of course it will just lead to the formation of Big Corn and Big Plant industries!
A really bad skin rash?
Yes, WHILE picking up their pizza :). We had no preference to whether or not people had pizza delivered or picked up.
The person had to be a pretty big asshole for us to do that as in verbally abusive on the phone or a dick in the store (it's notorious how people treat service workers especially in the restaurant business), so unless you remember being like that, it was probably just an under-paid high school kid not doing his job…
This will never catch on because pizza cutters won't take the time to cut the pizza exactly like the perforated paper. I am speaking from my time spent working at a pizza place. My favorite part of the job was when someone was an asshole on the phone or picking up their pizza and we would just run the pizza slicer…