
Exponential growth, bro!

I think the most startling is that the "long-term" change in nearly everything is positive. We are just spending more than we did a decade ago in everything.

I beat your reply by about 5 minutes (above). It IS all perception. I think it's just meant to be a "blow your mind" type of exercise.

That can help to summarize it in a nutshell, but does nothing to make it more understandable to the person who doesn't get it initially. It all boils down to perception, ultimately, that we perceive the laser dot to cross a distance faster than light would be able to move.

Yes, you are correct, but the moon isn't a great example because it is only 38,500km away way, and because the speed of light travels at 300,000km/s. This would mean the difference between what you saw on the the surface of the moon would have around 1/5th of a second delay (1/10th for the light to travel to the moon,

If you are puzzled by this, remember that they are measuring the distance between the dot on one point of the moon to the other as going faster than the speed of light and not the distance from the Earth or the Moon. The reason this is possible is a) the Moon and Earth are very far away and 2) The further you are

Remember, the distance being factored in here isn't from the Earth to the Moon, it's from one point on the moon to the other. So, yes, the light being transmitted from the Earth to the Moon is still only going the speed of light, but because the moon is so far away, a quick flick of the wrist makes the "dot" move

If you want to make this person mad, just go up to them and tell them they look like someone who had two iPads transplanted in their body.

Usually when one buys whole tomatoes in a can, they are usually already peeled, but they tend to retain more of the flavor of the tomato than diced or pureed tomatoes.

As someone who found out the hard way, HPV (like most STDs that spread via viral shedding) can be transmitted even while using a condom (you only get protection where the condom is covered).

The problem is that the layperson does not make a distinction between a journalist or a blogger/twitterer, and because they don't, equal weight is given to both sources, even if one is legitimate and the other could be nothing more than a personal blogger site mixing fact and opinion.

That'd be a dream if more airlines adopted seats like that.

I'm.....going to just stick with glasses.

I never said that it didn't have a positive effect on flight experience. What I said was that compared to comfort regarding seating and leg room, the other stuff is negligible. If I could quantify my overall gain in satisfaction after all the stated changes in the 787 versus the hypothetical change of more leg and

"If you have a better idea for a chart, go ahead and present it." Yes, because I am sure that on every article you've been critical you took the steps as well to "show them how it's done"? Give me a break.

To be fair, Qaddafi won't be "going anywhere" still. Mainly because he is 6ft under ground. Haha.

Sorry, the only thing I really care about is leg room and seat width. I'm not going to complain because I have to close the window with a plastic shade or because it's a little "dry" in the cabin, but my flight will be that much more uncomfortable when my tray won't let down all the way because it hits my knees or

I am sorry, but that is one of the worst visual charts I have ever seen. Please stop trying to cram as much crap into one chart as possible. For one, and I realize the metric is "years after release" but using a bar-like graph is a terrible way to show change over time. The starting point, for example, for the HTC Evo

The problem is that Android tablets are as expensive as iPads. In the PC vs. Mac market, one of the major selling points of a non-Apple PC is that it is usually 1/2 as expensive as the more expensive Apple computer. Then you have the other side that justifies the cost because of a better UI experience and better build