
Ah, I gotcha. From your original post it seemed like you liked the photo but were conflicted on using it because of how it increased pixel use.

Lol oh I know. That's why I don't waste the extra money on higher octane fuel!

Use GIMP to convert the picture to a negative of itself. You'll have an all-black background with a white tree.

It decreased because you have a racecar designed to use higher octane gas (high compression therefore lower octane gas would ignite before the cylinder of your engine was fully compressed), not because lower octane gas = less gas mileage. Yours is a special case where it DOES equal less gas mileage because the fuel

Then again, that is a difference of $240 a year, or what is approximately a week's worth of pay for me. Would I want to work an engine week knowing it was to pay for the difference in premium and regular gas? No. If you could cut 3 sources of expenditures of $20 a month, you'd up saving almost $660 a month, or around

Octane is actually a combustion inhibitor, making gasoline less combustible. It's what is added into the fuel by gasoline manufacturers to make it less dangerous! Can you imagine how volatile gasoline with no octane would be?! Instead of the fuel violently exploding, there is more of a controlled burn of the fuel,

Ooh, also the all-important fake air intake vents on the sides of the rig.

I wish I could promote this comment.

Yes. I was banned and de-starred a month or so back for having a dissenting opinion on an article by a particular editor.

If you think of the sheer number of people that fly daily and the 1-2 instances of bad TSA workers each month, you are looking at an extremely low rate of complaint or at least of incidences of TSA members being jerks.

Don't forget the spoiler and the chrome exhaust tip!

I think there is some utility in making the CGI movies 3D because they have a lot more to work with. Toy Story 3D was really cool and actually worked with the medium to make it a good movie. However, I don't see the reason to do the same thing to more traditional Disney movies.

This should really be redone with a metric in mind. You have data points that are showing a decrease in thinness and an increase in "power" going the same direction.

Dont worry, spending $100 a month is ridiculous over here too. I have unlimited everything and pay just under $80 a month. Sure, that is still expensive, but then again wireless is generally more expensive if you have premium phone here in the US. If I went to a pre-paid plan I could pay around $50 for the same thing,

Yes, I was joking, although I did try to structure the sentence to indicate Canada was a country and then used the conjunction "or" to indicate another possibility that was not a country.

Eh, it was worth a try to maybe see more than articles complaining about something.

You just described what the market calls a casual gamer, and what the industry has referred to those who picked up a controller maybe for the first time since the NES. Moms, Dads, grandparents, luddites are all "casual gamers". They are indicated as casual gamers not only by the fact that they had never had interest

Whatever, I don't think my fat ass could fit through that hole if my life depended on it.

I am waiting for tablets to kill PC/laptop computing. I really am. The reason tablets are finding their niche is because the access to technology has expanded to casual users more so than ever before. In the same way that the Wii expanded to casual gamers, tablets are expanding to casual computer users. That's because

I've always wondered if doing this would be ethical. Think about it, entire generations being bred, raised, and educated just to perpetuate the mission to a far away place. No choices, no freedom, just being raised to press buttons and do calculations to keep the space shuttle moving in the right direction.