
Hmmm, should I believe someone who actually owned one and back away from imminent disaster or blindly believe everything Captain Clickbait says I should do in his infantile articles and empty my checkbook? There is a reason these once six-figure cars are so cheap. Even the people that could afford to buy them new cant

Hit the nail on the head.

Honestly? Nailed it on the damn head.

also, dean sounds like a tool.

Lol. Nailed it.

Hahahaha. A coupe sedan.

Perhaps they also pulled him over for fitting ugly after market wheels on an F40

Seriously, Deadspin, before all the snark pours in, for stories like this you should be noting the suicide prevention hotline number and other relevant resources.

I agree with him.

Are you referring to your local state representative and senator, who passed the dubious law? Or the police officer who risks his life every day to enforce it?