Jesus Christ is there anything Jalopnik doesn’t hate besides brown manual station wagons and miatas? SUVs? NO! Everyone must have tiny hatchbacks! Pickup trucks for personal use? NO! I can’t see when I am parking my tiny hatchback! Scooters? NO! You’re in the way of me driving my tiny hatchback!
Question - if they called the new R8 the R9 would you have written this? Audi doesn’t do new names like Lamborghini does. That’s why lambo doesn’t have the countach anymore and why there is still an a4 even though it’s a tad bit different from the 1994 original, if you haven’t noticed. But, the new R8 is a completely…
“ Considering that Cadillac has managed to sell more CT6 models than Mercedes has sold S-Class cars thus far, you could say the gamble paid off.”
Why are you shitting on the 996 so much? Seriously, you can talk about the 997 without bashing the 996. I have a 996 C4S and have driven it extensively back to back with a friend’s 997 C4S. The 997 is more of a GT. Which is fine, if that’s what you want. The 996 is not as soft and therefore, to me, is better to drive.
Unless they changed something for 2018 - there’s no S sport package on the SQ5. And I hope there isn’t, that’s pretty redundant.
I don’t get this post. Do you not want the SQ5 to exist? I’m, for one, glad Audi at least tries to make a sporty version of the Q5. Also, you said “If you want the S sport package.” It’s not an S sport package - it’s an S variant model - that’s a big difference... by like 75 HP over the 3.0.
I don’t understand the $45k number you keep throwing out.
There is no one who ever thought a 330Ci made you look loaded. Made you look like a mid range manager, maybe.
It was “supremely reliable”
So, we’re guessing you like your 2016 LX?
I don’t think anyone has better nailed the “if I could only have two new cars” garage. Well done, sir.
Of course Doug didn’t write the actual truth, which is that I just follow him around in life screaming: “keep going!”
I’m like his personal motivational speaker.
As a lawyer, I approve this message.
Montalvo has employed legal counsel, not council.
Thanks!! 2002, 46k miles, IMS/RMS done, new clutch, new tires, good maintenance history. Took me about 6 mo to find the right one (I also was really set on seal gray but would have considered artic/polar silver if the right one came around). $31,800.