
Be still my heart.

I don't even know why I torture myself by posting this.

Isn't it obvious?

Well if it was up to me you would have had your head chopped off, so be happy that's all you got. Move the fuck over, asshole.

$32 grand for a trailhawk buys me a used true cherokee AND and lightly used BRZ. No thanks.

This is my ideal Cherokee. Am I doing this right?

I know it has nothing to do with the story, I just like this .gif.

Can I also point out that (asinine flaunting of car-buying ability aside) if the red one looks cool and the V8 sounds cool, BUY A V8 THAT'S PAINTED FUCKING RED.

Perfect reasoning why millennials aren't buying cars, our parents came out of school with little to no debt and that money could go to a car. After a mortgage (or rent), cell phone bill, health insurance, cable + internet, utilities, student loans, and gas for a used car, there isn't a lot of wiggle room for a person

Just hit 30 a few months ago and I love me some $500 volvos (you can buy 36 of them for the price of a V6 mustang) but there comes a time when there is 7lb 6 oz genetic copy of you that needs to be strapped in the back seat.

I've never really looked into leasing, because I've always liked the idea of owning a car and keeping it until it's totally worthless. But I suppose it could work for some people if they can afford it.

Dear Aaron,

And yes, I know that's an Airbus A380 pictured above, as I imagine they're still hosing the Boeing down. Though maybe they should just burn it.

The two of them will gallop shirtless accross the Russian countryside, shooting fish in barrels, right up until Snowden goes to hold his hand and is sent to Gulag for 10 years for Feats of Gay.

and a couple specifically FOR car people (think IS300/350). And I do love my IS300. But yeah, you're right. I'm a musician, so all of my friends either have Honda Fits (guitarists and horn players) or old Explorers (upright bass players and drummers). And they all drool over my car. I routinely bribe my guitarist

Ah. So, what you're saying is, if there were some rabbit or bird lying right in front of them, they might miss the point completely?

I've always loved that flat Grey, I see it on TTs every now and then.

Great News! The Singer 911 will be tested and flogged by the Stig on the upcoming Top Gear.

God I know the R8 is a HUGE piece of shit! I mean there are literally dozens of other better +500hp mid-engined exotics you can get for $150k, like the, uh, um, wait a sec I'm sure there's something...

Yes, they both have four wheels, two doors, and are red. The comparison seems to fall off a bit after that.