
The Boeing proposal wouldn’t be remotely as capable of the F-35, especially in terms of stealth or the whole short-take-off-vertical-landing aspect. It’d be a stopgap measure at best, and not “comparable.”

Speaking of crybaby-manufactured outrages, how’d that #DumpStarWars thing work out for you?

So you are saying that you enjoy of your fellow citizens feeling scared and terrified in their own country? That’s weird and pretty unamerican. May you live in interesting times.

8 years. As if. Call us in 2 after he hasn’t been able to fulfill a single vague overblown promise, international trade is wrecked and our allies desert us because they don’t know what the hell he thinks about anything. You can’t govern on twitter.

What, is “snowflake” passe now?

This ‘buttercup’ thing, is it like in the official republican commenter style guide? Because it seems like every Trump supporter uses that. Are you not allowed any original thoughts?

I kind of feel the opposite way. If the electoral college voted for who won the popular election, it would be a greater example of us having a democratic choice.

The electors deciding to not support Trump would not be “overthrowing an elected government,” it would be perfectly legal, following the exact same rules that would otherwise allow Trump to win despite getting fewer votes...

1. Misspelled “lose”

Is that advertising, or simply clarifying a potentially confusing situation for customers?

Spend 30 years with normal diplomatic relations with a country. New guy comes in, gives you the finger. This is them giving the finger back you myopic, uninformed fucking idiot.

Or their reaction to the CinC-elect’s apparent rejection of twenty years of US diplomatic relations with “Jyna.” That call with the President of Taiwan will continue to have consequences.

I would hope that writers would think twice about lumping all genetically modified organisms under one convenient category. The term is generally pejorative and brings to mind images of grotesque chickens and the like. On the positive side, some GMOs are the reasons why many humans are able to have access to food and

Its also safer than mutation sterilisation as you risk random mutations that make the pest even worse as testing every fly is impractical. A stable GMO modification that lasts one generation is more precise and safe. The addition of a GFP gene also makes tracking easy.

Correct. This means they have to constantly release new altered flies—likely billions over many months—to get the desired effect. The potential advantage over radiated sterile flies, though, is that hopefully the GM ones are fitter mates, therefore meaning fewer releases in the long run.

I think we should promote Trump to Emperor of Mars and send him on a one way mission. There’s a Space Program 70% of America can get behind.

The advantage of these modifications, which render the bug either sterile or unable to mature is that it is only effective for a single generation. It is a self-destructing gene. This allows for live trials without upsetting the overall ecosystem, you’re only disrupting a small percentage of the species without any

So they can genetically modify a fly so its offspring die off (or can’t reproduce.) Definitely not mad scientist level stuff here and it’ll never mutate/evolve naturally to be a super pest or turn out to be something that develops a super virus. Nope, this is perfectly normal and not the beginning of EVERY science

No seriously, i got pregnant in August and the election has really taken the wind out of my sales regarding my level of excitement. I am wondering just what the hell i got this poor baby into.