
So is Gizmodo now basically Gawker 2? I thought Gizmodo was about gadgets and gizmos...

How about earning some audience respect by not acting like a bunch of 12 year olds who’ve just discovered expletives. Serious people don’t curse. So, duck you, millennial ignoramuses.

I don’t know where you got your science education, but water levels aren’t getting lower in the ocean.

Cool. Now let’s find the Apollo 10 lunar module ascent stage, named “Snoopy”. It was jettisoned, its engine fired to fuel depletion, and is now in orbit around the sun. It’s position in space is unknown, but researchers in the UK are looking for it. It is the only remaining flown LEM ascent stage.

PUH-LEES change the title to “Images” not “Photos”. Most of these are not what the vast majority of the public - and especially photographers - would call “photos”. Nice, sure. Artistically accomplished, yes. “Light writing” - OK, I’ll even grant you that on a technicality. But photos most of them aren’t.

Are you kidding or just very dumb?

Twist: Luke and Rey die; R2 gets the lightsaber and we discover that droids can sense the Force.

Twist: Rey dies. Luke was the protagonist of the new trilogy stil after all.

My first thought as well - convenient to cook with, a nightmare to clean.

The only thing I can think is how gross that thing would get, and how hard it would be to keep clean.


I would note the 1G frequencies that were used by cellular telephone companies are still licensed to, and used, by cellular telephone companies. Unless he’s changing the frequencies of operation somehow, which seems unlikely, expect that something like this will interfere with digital 3G and 4G signals for your

Ok not sure how this constitutes of a Genius... People do this all the time.... Most storage places evict people for this reason at a rate of 1 every two months. Especially in the north over during the winter time. Nothing new, this happens literally all the time. In most cases the storage places do not evict them,

Not really though. Those stupid “pick your favorite” poll has no basis in reality. Eneloops perform middle of the pack:

Not really though. Those stupid “pick your favorite” poll has no basis in reality. Eneloops perform middle of the

It has nothing to do with ‘weather’ and everything to do with climate.

Still, just as one might chide a climate-change denier for saying it’s unusually cold, we also shouldn’t use unusual warmth as evidence.

So what should the penalty be to one of the wealthiest companies in human history for hiding evidence of global warming, possibly delaying public awareness if it to the point that it’s too late to mitigate it? The human death toll, not to mention the toll to animal and plant populations, is going to be astronomical.

Eneloop AA on sale at Costco too. 10 AA batteries for $20!

Eneloop AA on sale at Costco too. 10 AA batteries for $20!

don’t confuse weather with climate.