
I haven't put it away since the day I was born

At least he won't blind them with a pool cue!

Ah, Bonerz… The most trusted name in film critique.

the horror… the horror…

hehe. blaster.

Naw, he got it at a Nerf Show

"You think Columbine would've happened if the teachers were all armed with N-Strikes?"

Yeah, starting tomorrow, all comments must be submitted by carrier pigeon

I really don't think this is gun-na work out so well

I figured someone would call the number to figure that one out

Nickels give me nightmares

No! I can't let my real life friends to know about this!

Is that the Disqus version of a condom to stop CancerAIDS

No! My glorious comment/upvote ratio!!!

Now this guy's got something new to say!

Everyone look at Phil McCracken and his original opinion!

At least it stopped him from playing young Han Solo.
Man, Ansel Elgort is gonna be soooo good!

Hey, just because she smashes as much as a guy Hulk, doesn't mean she's a slut

Isn't he already?

No, that was Will Smith