
Operator was one of the most compelling movies I saw this year. There were a couple of times I thought I knew where it was going and I was surprised, but what I loved about it is that I really empathized with both Mae Whitman and Martin Starr's characters. It could've gone full psycho-drama, but instead focused on a

Yeah, I planned to basically not use Uber at all since I just moved to a small city and the vast majority of the drinking I do is in my own neighborhood. What I didn't know is that there's been a lot of robberies late night in said neighborhood. I left a party the other night to go to my boy's place, and everyone was

I'm uncomfortable by how attracted I am to him in that movie. He's such a scumbag.

I was born there too!

There's a WonkCon?? I only discovered StoryWonk a couple months ago, so I'm a newbie.

Yes I do! And I tell literally all of my friends about it. I'm in love with Lani and Allister. Its actually Lani that helped inspire this take - I knew Joyce was shitty the first couple of seasons, but she really emphasized it for me. I started watching Buffy during its run, when I was 11, and Joyce just seemed like a

He was around a couple of times in seasons 1 and 2, and then never really showed up again except in a flashback in "The Weight of the World." He seemed ok at the beginning, but by season 3 he was missing Buffy's birthday and apparently by season 5 he had run off to Spain with his secretary, "living the cliche"

Joyce is really terrible for the first two and a half seasons, though. "I just don't want to be disappointed in you again," having no idea what's going on in Buffy's life from cheerleading to Angel to willful ignorance of the Slaying, taking Ted's side…just lots and lots of bad. She does start to come around in season

Anton Yelchin, RIP and a four way tie for Alyson Hannigan, Adam Scott, Dave Franco and Seth Green.

Agreed; sorry my use of prepositions was off. I've had a lot of wine. I'm internally screaming King of the North and Fire and Blood.

Damn skippy! My nerd cred extends far and wide - want to hear about the Buffy fan fiction site I ran in 1997? It was super embarrassing.

/s means sarcasm. I sarcastically said that the Westerosi volunteer fire department could put that out with water engines.

Way harsh, Tai.

That's my point. Wildfire is like a super grease fire - you hit it with water, and you just spread it around.

Damn, son. That's a goddamn mic drop right there. I legitimately can't get through a re-watch of Ozymandias without a healthy dose of Klonopin.

I'm a huge BSG fan, but the whole series ultimately was deus ex machina and I'm actually still quite bitter about it. The mystical opera house thing went legitimately nowhere. Regardless, Mary McDonnell is a goddamn badass and I'm obsessed with her and all of the work she does and only hope to be half as cool as she

I have way too much anxiety to play the deadpool. I figured intellectually Margaery wasn't endgame, but I legitimately did not expect her to bite it this episode. Maybe sometime next season, as a triple widow.

My sweet AVClub nerd cred is about to be harshly revoked as I've never seen an episode of Star Trek.

That's the point. The Freys are useless; their job is to hold the Riverlands, so why should the Lannisters bother giving them power if its the Lannister armies who have to retake the Riverlands after the Freys lose it?

Arya has been a stone cold psycho since season 3, even before the Red Wedding.