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    I got to do a few laps around a track with him back in 2007. One of the coolest things ever.

    I don’t understand why the BBC would cancel Top Gear then put Clarkson on a different show unless it was something contractual that couldn’t be broken. Just seemed to me, at least the way it seemed to be portrayed in the media, that the BBC decided to cancel Top Gear because they were sick of dealing with him. Maybe

    Aside from the front engine and designing the car around that, what was an unexpected positive result you encountered and what was an unexpected negative result/problem that had to be solved?

    New Orleans International is MSY. Named after a pilot that crashed in a field 1910 where the airport was later built in the 1940s. Now it's Louis Armstrong International but kept the code. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Arm…

    I think you nailed it. As long as F1 is self funding and breaks even, it shouldn't matter. in this case, I think they are serious about making it successful as a company as opposed to Williams IPO that looked like people were just cashing out. I think they can, assuming their car sales are profitable and growing.

    Plus, F1 revenue in general is down as the sport loses fans over new technologies that make it more efficient but less exciting, as well as the trend of one team to dominate all in recent years. Ferrari's F1 team is likely a merchandising monster for the company, but will that be enough?

    That's a made up definition of "fastest". Hyperbolic post titles get old.....

    Which gets back to the original problem of making an investment. Do you want to invest in a brand that's going to have to spend a lot of their IPO cash trying to figure out how to make more money?

    This is wild.


    Silver is down over 60% from the 2011 peak and near four year lows. Criminals are dumb.

    Thinking about this economically, a tax moves the supply curve up and to the left, reducing the quantity demanded since the price is higher and fewer people are willing to pay that price for whatever reason. http://www.investopedia.com/exam-guide/cfa… So, if solely due to the tax, they're selling fewer vehicles,

    Because anime people are weird. Fact.

    I like it. It's certainly typical Audi, conservative incremental steps in design.

    Imagine how much carbon fiber would be flying in the air if Formula 1 had a field that big.

    The 918 wins based on livery alone.

    Right, tangible after the fact, but R&D spending starts off as intangible because you don't know what will come from it, how it will be used and implemented in production cars.

    The dollar amount doesn't include the intangible value that Audi gets from technology development. It's R&D in real world conditions with immediate feedback. Audi doesn't need F1. I doubt Audi management even considered it.