Carroll's Korner

Holy shit, the comment section on the ESPN article needs to be burnt down, bleached, salted, burnt again, and then shot into the sun.

Art Acevedo used to be the chief in Austin and while he was there, cops tackled a jogging woman to the ground for not hearing them stop her because she had headphones on. His response was basically that she was lucky the cops didn’t rape her. He’s shit.

Look at this goddamn phalanx of clownfrauds.

And the investigation conveniently opened approximately three weeks after Bennett accused some police officers of threatening to blow his head off.

A bunch of fucking “law enforcement professionals” spend a half hour standing around a podium, trying to look super serious, like some fukbois, so they can morally grandstand against an NFL player.
What’s the opposite of squad goals?

Hopefully this case will serve as a reminder to the public that Atlanta blew a 28-3 lead in the Super Bowl.

“To protect and serve...and publicly make definitive judgement on your moral character before trial.”

This story is so wild you could knock me over like I was a geriatric paraplegic security guard.

So let me get this straight. The officer witnessed this alleged felony assault and then did...nothing? And they decided to bring charges 14 months later?

The NCAA will waive Sean Miller’s show cause penalty if he serves 5 years at Pitt.

Looking forward to Ben Shapiro’s latest column on this

I haven’t seen a Bosnian murdered like that since Srebrenica

In retrospect those emergency staff meetings at 4 a.m in Reno probably didn’t have an innocent explanation

At least we can now understand why SportsCenter paired Sean Salisbury and Mr. Mackey.

/doug baldwin has been slighted and will now come and kill you and your family.

You think? It was a play that defined the most bitter rivalry of the decade (possibly excepting Pats vs everyone) and determined an NFC championship.

I think the thing to remember about Sherman’s trash talk is: he did some master’s level coursework in communications at Stanford. I don’t in any way think that makes what he’s said inauthentic, but I would posit virtually all of it has been pretty strategic. Sometimes he drives me nuts, but mostly I’ve found him

The Legion of Boom’s realization that they won’t call holding if you do it on every single play might be the greatest football innovation since the forward pass.

The best part is how does he have any dept perception to drain shots like that with an eye patch on?