Stupid post of the day.
Stupid post of the day.
If there is something to complain about, people will. Some people just have way to much free time.
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Looks fancy, love the idea of the game centering around what you like to do. Explore? Combat? Craft? Hopefully they can deliver on those ideas.
But will it get me to work? I'm all for this stuff, we just need some consumer cars that take advantage of this stuff.
Yep, they brought it into the public eye so thank Giz for ruining the fun.
Haha... Papyrus! I hate that font, do does my wife. It's everywhere! Its worse them Comic Sans now.
Nice tower of Babel you got there.
Or you can just crack it when the crack is released. Yep.
They should set up a Data center in Tehachapi, CA. Wind Turbines everywhere, and more coming.
Good old voxels, fun times. Welcome back!
Its called a Backseat. Duh.
And someone will make money off these. Sad.
Everything will give you cancer if you throw it down your throat everyday.
Its the end of the world as we know it.
Lets get a lawsuit up. We bought something similar and it made my young friends sad.
Tired of this game. ITS EVERYWHERE!
I actually would like to be able to tell me car to turn on, turn the AC up and crack the windows so I don't have to get in a 400 degree cabin and burn my arse on the leather seat.