PC Master Race

You wouldn't download a car would you?

Its Okay Giz, Its okay... *pats on head*

Time to buy some stock?

Just going to be another failed attempt at creating something from nothing. Impossible.

Houston, we have a problem.

Sniper Gun!

Come one PSN port! PC would be nice as well.

Yes it does, seeing as a ton of work would have to be done just to make the game free to play would thus put more money in a dying game.

The problem I have with paypal is they like to suspend my credit card without warning if I buy something out of my home town, even if I purchased something from the same place multiple times.

Tank you for that.

Yeah, the website is basically just for stat's and the feed. No searching atm.

Let me try it out...

I wish I had these in my store. Always seem to be a hundred people checking out the moment I want to.

Invites are down again, but if you sent me your email I'll keep it in a text file and add you when they open! Keep them coming.

Good to go.

Click on my name, and use the "Leave a Message" feature. Top Right of my "profile" page.

Let me know if you need one...

Awesome. Never used the Pro. Inbox.

Design looks great. Be using it from now on.

Non of those girls are "chesty".