
Hello. I am Philip Bump and I write for The Washington Post.

forget what ever happened

has feinberg ever been to a sporting event

I predict that in the year 2100, Americans will remember only one movie from this century, Quiz Show.

Yeah, he is, no question. You know, because: Hawks.

Sure thing to win Best of Breed; will choke hilariously in Best of Show.

Or, if you're still using Mac OS 9, here are some eHow instructions on using voice commands. http://www.ehow.com/how_13333_voice-commands-mac.html

Where in the hell is the photo of the guy hanging from the crane? This is some bush league journalism right here.

Google+ API is (or, was, last time I checked) read-only. So a hassle for an automated system.

It is impossible to disagree that Yahoo! sat its fat ass down on Flickr and suffocated it. But this article neglects to mention one key aspect of Flickr that is why I still use it: the API.

This beauty, ten years ago: the Kyocera 6035. Palm OS FTW.

Wrong vote embedded above. You want 192, not 182. Final vote, 248-168.

My thumb is longer than this; it extends off the right side of my iPhone. Granted, I'm tall, but I am skeptical of this claim.