
They are state representatives or legislators/state lawmakers... not congressmen.

Dumb rules and moralizing are exactly what baseball needs more of.

I think there’s also something fair about him saying that negotiating his salary isn’t really something he does. Most actors at that level probably don’t have the first clue about working out the finer points of their pay and, to be fair, it is kind of a complicated subject when everything is said and done.

I dunno that I would be so harsh on this guy. It sounds like he’s trying to say, “If I talk on this at all, I’m just going to taste my own feet and make things worse.” And rather then be a problem on something he truly doesn’t understand, he’s instead focusing on keeping out of the way of those who do understand.

Goddammit, people, sarcasm. When I say there’s no other way to include people of different colors than as decor that should sound silly!

Honestly if I didn’t read Jez I would have no idea who this woman was. Which is probably the same as a lot of GQ’s readership.

Amber Rose is the only person who gets to decide if a portrayal of her is satisfactory.

“Don’t point your gun at him, he’s an unpaid intern.”
Love The Life Aquatic. Maybe my third favorite movie by Anderson? They are in a constant state of flux. The use of the David Bowie songs in Portuguese is so perfect.

Sure, but Paul Ryan is going home to teach his children good christian values, whereas when Pelosi goes home, it’s to teach her grandchildren how to gay-marry their dogs.

Can I still be surprised that she pimped out her own daughter for $100? Because I’m not a prostitute connoisseur, but that seems ... really low.

It’s my take because I’ve been reading this particular feature since inception and a common recurring theme is servers getting extremely upset and crying somewhere. I know of no other profession where this happens and seems to be celebrated.

In my experience the people who do that shit are so desperately lonely. Like they have no one to talk to outside of complaining to retail/food service people.

Someone created an account 22 minutes ago just to tell us they hate kites. Even for Gawker this is odd.


How come you put “oppressed” in quotation marks? The word was only used by Escobedo-Shepherd, not Tarantino.

Wow, just... Really? Half of this is on-point, but the other half is utterly laughable and ridiculous. If “conscious rap” is rap that discusses social issues, then yeah, I’d say it’s music with a bit more of a message than something just talking about bitches and hoes and rape and guns. No idea what the point of that

But what about indigenous on indigenous crime? We would really talk about that before we judge colonization.

Please continue to do that. Seriously. Unless you’re walking around dressed like a Geisha or something, or trying to make hair sticks “trendy”, you’re just using a convenient method for putting your hair up - you’re not ripping off a culture. Unless we all plan on tracing back the cultural birth of the ponytail or the

In all fairness, most of the time when I hear people talk about white women and yoga, it’s usually not very favorable...

That’s kinda how I met my current wife. She was speed walking down a busy city street wearing sunglasses and listening to music (although I think she was pretending to listen!). I flagged her down, had to run a bit-she’s fast.