BlazinAce - Doctor of Internal Combustion

Have you ever played star Fox Assault in the DS? That's gotta be the single worst UI I've ever seen. Each one of the 10+ buttons does one single thing: shoot. Everything else is handled by the touch screen, but not by specific motions of the touch screen, instead, they have buttons drawn IN the touch screen that you

Nice, mine also has a casette deck and CD Player. Because it was made in 1995, but still :p

Agree, the problem is convincing automakers to do it...

Were they actually blasting Bon Jovi full fucking force from the battleships? Because that would have made the whole incident a thousand times more hilarious.

Only if it's real CF. It's just silly to put a CF vinyl on your roof...

Riiiight... I doubt anyone can play this for more than 1 minute, considering the craptastic drift mechanics and anime girl screeching shown in the video. As an Angry Nerd once said, "I'd rather fuck shit than fuck with this fucking shit"

10 bucks say Ferrari ends up under VW's megalomaniac wing...

Really? I actually like them. Not as much as the third gen, which is my favorite by miles, but I still think these are pretty neat.

That's so cool... Please tell me it's daily driven and street parked like that, no fucks given

This is a great example, and my opinion is not biased or anything!

Engines from that era were so choked out of power, it would probably be easier and cheaper to just buy an LS engine and swap it in. It doesn't even have to be a brand new LS, there was a great article on Oppo a while back written by a guy who bought a wrecked Chevrolet Van, pulled off the engine and parted out what

Wow, this is assy. What's wrong with a key and an alarm remote? That they don't need fucking batteries and fail prone electronics to work? I'd rather carry a bag of dog crap to open my car because at least you can tell the whole thing stinks.

It doesn't matter if you guys finish because this article is the winner!

Allow me to echo the sentiments of all those that already wished you guys a happy Tenth anniversary!

Yup, that's why I mentioned it. JL was the king of detail back in its day. As for the scandal, what basically happened is that, in a drive to cut costs, JL released a 40th anniversary line, with less detail, plastic bases and wheels (whereas most of the old models had metal bases and rubber tires), and somewhat choppy

The Glasgow Coma Score is also used by first responders and emergency units for initial assessment of trauma patients, usually on site, where there are no, you know, CTs and MRI scanners.

Yup, a toaster could have a rating of 3 hahaha...

Man, I had some fun back when I collected these. Which was about until a year ago. Maybe less. I still keep a collection going, but much smaller and more manageable than my old, 10 years old behemoth that I had no idea where to store.

Yeah, there's a loong story behind the evolution of both the design and evolution of Hot Wheels cars... To make it short, they don't seem much cheaper, they are. Back when they were released, they cost one dollar each, and Mattel has mantained that price point for most of their history. Factor inflation in, and

Back in 2011, when Mattel was still holding official events in Brazil, I attended the convention at Porto Alegre and had my 1969 and 1970 Chevelle First Editions signed by Phil Riehlman, who designed both cars, it was awesome!