Peanut Butter Pinecone

Given they’ve tried multiple times to do this ehhhhhhhhh nah, I’m gonna go with “we want that” as the answer.

Sony is such an asshole of a company. Bleem! and Lik Sang know first hand how Sony will throw money and lawyers at a “problem” until they get what they want regardless of the law. No company in the history of gaming has been worse for the industry, gaming culture, and gamers than Sony. The loss of Sega has left the

demise of E3? Have you ever been? It went away for like a year and came right back its and absolute blast just cause EA says they won’t be there just gives some indies more time at E3

It’s the popular hipster thing to say this episode sucked. Wooden acting? Anderson and Duchovny played the characters exactly the same way they’ve always played them. In many ways it felt like the show never left. Aside from the contemporary cell phones and nods to current politics, it felt EXACTLY like an episode of

12 + 3 + 6 = 21, Bill. 12 + 3 + 6 = 21.

“I didn’t do something. Praise me! My ego demands that!”

Still not really regretting throwing some money their way through Kickstarter but I am in the process of stopping to care about this game, which makes me sad.

Well, this is game development. At least they aren’t being forced by a publisher to release the game while it still has a serious problem.

OK I’ll bite.

Watch the flood of comments decrying the Seahawks for being ‘sore losers’ or some such bullshit, rather than the fact that they took the time to specifically contact a division rival to warn them about the shitty turf and inform them what solution worked for them.

I spent over 5 hours on a level and it was banned shortly after it was uploaded because they received a complain about it being called “Ride the Wiggler”.

I’ll say this here and now in front of the internet masses: As much as Force Awakens is technically a better movie, I’d rather watch Episode 1, 2, and 3. They were more... interesting. Probably would watch the one with Grevious most of all.

I agree. His initial placement as HC made no sense, but I doubt many people could have done better than 5-11 with that team in that division.

The Force Awakens was HORRIBLE! Honestly, only retarded people and kids could like it and get away with it.

5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 7 > 2 > 1

The problem is that if Snoke is so strong with the Force and is so old, where was he all this time? He has to have a back story, otherwise he feels bolted in for the sake of having an old, big bad guy. Of course that would fit with the rest of the movie, so it’s probably likely.

Jar Jar’s not quite as bad as everyone says and he’s really just turned into the fandom’s punching bag which makes me roll my eyes. Like other folks already said, I genuinely feel bad for Ahmed Best.

Photoshop? Screw Photoshop. This is how you deal with it:

Oh, that is some blatant bullshit. This remake is guaranteed to sell millions of copies, if they opened it up for preorder tomorrow they would probably have at least a million paid for by the end of the month. Fans would eat up limited editions, day one bundles and even console bundles without any hesitation. Shit,