Peanut Butter Pinecone

Poor Monolith Soft? Nintendo gave them the liberty and the money to do the game that they want!

And yet, Fallout 4 is a contender with its 84 on metacritic and user reviews hovering around 6 out of 10. Xenoblade Chronicles X has an 85 currently and its predecessor was highly acclaimed.

Well, at least they started things off right. Splatoon taking best multiplayer over the weak ass CoD games.

I know the Wii U doesn’t have the same updating and Day 1 patch issues as PS4 and X1 have with games, but it might be a good idea to open it up early, get everything updated...and make sure the games work properly of course, before wrapping it back up for them.

Unless the makeup of the game reporting industry is split 50/50 men and women, it’s absurd to try and force a 50/50 split of the judges.

Since you're acting like you don't already know, let me say it loud & clear.....XENOBLADE CHRONICLES X!!!!

PS3 exclusives are really not that good.

Diablo III on consoles just controls much better than most. Every other crawler I’ve tried (not that many honestly) feels clunky.

So you’re saying that the arbitrary questions that randomly assign you a pokemon that you can actually pick for yourself makes you want this game? Man. You have some weird taste.

It’s like thieves complaining their stuff they used to steal things with, was stolen by those who they stole from.

Hear hear. Legend of Heroes looks like a bit of an indie game compared to Xenoblade.

Eh, opinions.

Seriously? I’ve had no difficulties with bugs or glitches, and I’m not sure what you’re calling ‘ugly’. The game is gorgeous, and this is the smoothest Bethesda launch I’ve seen in awhile.

This review kinda cements the idea for me: let us buy, digitally at least, the campaign and multiplayer separately. I’d love to pay $20 or so to run through one of these cinematic campaigns, but I have zero desire to ever play CoD multiplayer or yet another L4D clone.

Before you blame the gun, take a look at the person using the gun first. Outlawing guns will not eliminate evil behavior, it will just force them to choose another weapon.

MOBA by definition is Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. So overwatch is a MOBA by the strictest of definitions.

incorrect—you cant cheat at Fallout

Tom Brady is being released later as DLC that comes with loads of cheat codes.

That is what a lot of people said about WoW. 10 years later still kicking Subscriptions.

No one’s arguing that mobile games don’t make money. We’re just pointing out that in order to do so, you have to make a sterile, simplistic, unoriginal and scammy piece of garbage, watered down to appeal to soccer moms with more money and free time than taste. And that’s a really sad state of affairs, right there.