Peanut Butter Pinecone

Fads come and go, doesn’t mean Angry Birds wasn’t significant, it had a very very good run. Every time angry birds is mentioned I just see rage because it’s not popular anymore, as if none of us are allowed to enjoy it (it still is a damn good mobile game). Way too harsh and way too critical. It’s not going to win any

Popcap has been fair on mobile as far as I know. Can’t wait for the pvz hearthstone.

It always felt like this game was in beta, and not released yet. It even has project in the name. I thought it was going to get another name when it was more polished. I could never shake the game wasn’t a WIP and a bit on the rough side.

I never liked DI, and I considered the weakest “TTL” option. I had a feeling things were going south when someone from disney was talking shit about amiibo.

I’ve been really enjoying the beta, but I’m not going to be buying this game until it drops in price. I have too many other multi-player games that need more playtime to justify their cost before I add a new one into the mix. I do like it though. I also want to see just how regular the free DLC is. When I first heard

Overwatch is going to be relevant for years to come. Battleborn is already in the process of being forgotten.

We heard about it really early because Iwata wanted to assure investors that Nintendo was not leaving the console space for mobile. It was a pretty harmless statement, of course Nintendo was going to make another console, the problem was the name “NX” sounds so badass and mysterious that it got way too much attention.

Let’s say the X1 and the PS4 both released a few months earlier than when they did and planed the launch titles accordingly. Do you really think their sales right now would be all that different? The 2017 holiday season is still going to be targeted by Nintendo for the NX, and I’m sure they have some fat IPs planned

Technically Wind Waker “HD” and TP”HD” are exclusive to Wii U :P I know what you mean though. Although Zelda U/NX isn’t being fully optimized for the NX, at least I can’t imagine so since it started development as a Wii U title, so it’s more of a Wii U game with the NX getting the “port”.

It would have been stupid for Nintendo to release “Zelda U” before the release of NX. I’m confident they could have released this on the Wii U this holiday season without a problem, but that would be a bad business move.

I get an NVidia Shield vibe from it, and I totally dig the idea. If Nintendo is going to have a screen on the controller again, I prefer the screen to be above the buttons. I don’t like looking between my hands.

Maybe this is what he expected.

There will never be a console only main Pokemon game. Best bet is if the NX allows to play portable games at home.

People tend to hang on to Nintendo games. If you are really into the Pokemon meta, having access to older games is great for finding certain Pokemon because you can transfer them to the newer ones.

They revealed this uniform on Super Mario Day? Awesome. I don’t know this team, but I like ‘em.

Wouldn’t be a Vita article without mentioning the 3DS.

This guy has a stranglehold on the challenging SMM course ‘market’. Is there anyone else?

I think Kid Goku from Dragon Ball would fit in nicely with the Smash roster, complete with the power pole and nimbus cloud as moves. I’m not calling for it or expecting it, but he wouldn’t LOOK out of place. His manga origins would make him FEEL out of place though.

I’m debating this too, I really want to play it, but I have little doubt it will pop up on GWG. I want at least a year between release and GWG. How long after it went on the PS4 did it go on PS+?

4 hours? Pass. I will just watch a Let’s Play to see what the mystery is.