Peanut Butter Pinecone

Thanks. Are you going to do a howtu for playing PS3 games on the PS4 too?

It’s like from the 90’s... but now.

This also means CLOUD AMIIBO.

This is insane!!! I wondered how Smash Bro’s roster would grow without ruining Smash 5. Hold the inklings back for Smash 5! 3rd party behemoths are the way to go!

Technically Cloud was in Theatrhythm.

If they made a CoD: Zombies as the full game, it would be the first CoD game I ever bought.

me’s a Jar Jar Binks

Looks like the XB1 is a little bit better at shadows while the PS4 is a little bit better at jaggies.

You think you would be able to get all 21 heroes for $40 if this was F2P?

Yes! Remaking the original Warcraft makes a ton of sense. Warcraft 4 would have to be AFTER WoW, and we don’t know their plans for that. A remake would be just as good as a new entry, except we won’t be getting the extended story that would come with one taking place after WoW.

I can’t stand in-ear headphones, I find them gross. I don’t see the comfort in sticking something in my orifices when playing a game. Over/on-ear always for me.

Everything about this is gross.

Demos for RPGs rarely tell you anything about the game. Monster Battle games it’s even worse. You could argue why even have a demo at all because of the poor translation in gameplay. They must feel that the sales lost from those thinking the whole game will be as simple as the demo is made up from all the kids who try

I love Pokemon, but it is so formulaic, so safe, so slow in adding any real depth that I can’t help but cheer on Yo-kai Watch to kick it’s keister. Another Yo-kai roar in popularity in Japan, a good Yo-kai take-off in the west, and somewhat disappointing sales of ‘Pokemon Z’ could spark a feeling of innovation in

Weekly and sometimes monthly challenges work as well depending on the game.

I hear the story is great, I hear the story is lacking. Sounds like the story is geared towards more of the hardcore Halo franchise fan, which is how it should be. They didn’t dumb down the story too much for people who only see Halo as a multi-player game. I wouldn’t criticize this decision because the subtleties go

I played PSO on the Xbox but I heard the GameCube version was the best because of the tighter community and the lack of some duping problems the Xbox version had. I still had a lot of fun on the Xbox version (and was actually the reason I got Xbox Live to begin with). GCN had the exclusive episode III card battler I

Maybe Super Monkey Ball 2 was better overall, I don’t really remember. The biggest thing I cared about in Monkey Ball was Monkey Target. Me and my friends would play that for hours. Monkey Ball 2 made it so everyone plays at the same time instead of taking turns, and none of us saw that as an improvement. It was like

Mii’s are fun and now anyone with a smart device can make one. There is still much much more to learn about this.

What money has Nintendo been losing? They have been pulling profit,