Peanut Butter Pinecone

A long time ago I wanted to play Phantasy Star Online so bad. So bad I bought a DreamCast after the system was already dead, but not too long after it died. After it didn’t work with my internet, I started getting more games for the DC. One guy at the gamestore recommended Shenmue so I got it and tried it out. I

A FF7 remake really didn’t surprise me. They would be stupid not to. I figured it was always an ace in the sleeve when Sony needed it. I’m more surprised they only managed to wrangle a timed-exclusive. I feel like they are going to use this to continue on with Final Fantasy VII-2 (to make use of all the new assets)

You can really see how Blizzard rocked the boat. I know so many people who switched over to HOTS and others whom this is their first MOBA.

The Electronic Entertainment Expo fades quickly. It’s main purpose is to get news out but since E3 started we have gotten better forms of communication to relay this news. Just look at Nintendo going to Directs and Digital Events. E3 is not required to reach your fans, and the casuals don’t follow E3 anyway.

I hope the SW: Battlefront DLC plays fair.

Gamers have be awful lately. Make game like A, B complains. Make game like B, A complains. Make game inbetween A and B, everyone complains. Then years down the road they complain the new games aren’t like the ones they originally complained about.

Putting in the option for old sound FX seems like it would be really easy to do. If Bethesda doesn’t do it, it will be one of the first mods made.

Did you even read this article and the eurogamer interview?

I agree, artistic style can easily supersede graphics. It’s why I think Mario Kart 8 looks a lot more impressive than games trying to imitate real life. Mario Kart 8 actually still wows me. It has so much polish.

I wonder if this project will salvage some ideas from the Mega Man X FPS. Inafune and Armature together again.

We get used to updated graphics, but at first there is this period that wows us. This generation, that wow period was really brief if existant at all. Not that the graphics we get are bad, just we have gotten a steady incline in graphics and the fact we are so far in, that there are diminishing returns.

At first I was really bummed out, but when I took a step back and thought it, Nintendo does reveal stuff regularly and they didn’t alter their way of doing things for an annual convention. Looking at the past few weeks, there has been a lot of goodies from Nintendo such as the release of Splatoon and all the new

Sure it would, so long as it’s about Metroid and it’s made by Nintendo. There was a time when people didn’t think Metroid should be a first person game.

I’m a Metroid fan and this game looks rad! It reminds me of Halo: ODST and firefight which I thoroughly enjoyed. The amount of whining and entitlement (even trying to get the game canceled lol) has been embarassing. Hearing people fume about this is like watching a kid throw a temper tantrum on Christmas morning.

Except it’s going to contain Metroid canon that directly links into the next console game.

They probably did that because they are reprinting WFT.

It has that Amiibo support, I wonder if this means you can play as Mega Man?

Pokemon gets it’s year off which is the perfect time for Yokai Watch. A lot of Pokemon fans will pick it up.

The Elite Xbox controller may be pricey, but it’s not so bad when you think about it. It comes with all the pieces to swap around and can be used on both the One and PC. I figure if you’re going to be spending a lot of time with a controller in your hands, $150 for such an important video game accessory is worth it,

He said ‘first’. So Final Fantasy 7 remake for Xbox One?