Peanut Butter Pinecone

One of the argument against custom moves in tournaments is that it would be too difficult to unlock all the custom moves on each Wii U. Can't you just copy a save file that already has them all unlocked?

Walmart was going to get their own amiibo eventually. I really don't mind exclusives being a coloration like this. The silver one looks more like Metal Mario, but the pose for a Metal Mario amiibo should be more menacing.

Sounds like it's still coming out as they pulled a studio switcheroo. The question is do you still support the game or not? They shouldn't put Phantom Dust fans in this situation, it's a lose-lose.

I want to give MH a proper go, but after playing the demo it certainly is not going to be for the 3DS. Since I haven't played much I wouldn't mind picking up 3 for the Wii U.

Looking at the One Piece games on Metacritic... yikes. I know DBZ has some great games that take you through the story so I was hoping for something similar. I remember Legacy of Goku being pretty rad, a Zelda style DBZ game iirc. Reading the wiki is probably my best bet. I'm more into watching shorter anime with a

Mega Man has a somewhat scary underlying theme. It mostly deals with robotic/AI ethics. X ushered in an era of robots with free will, and with that the ability to become corrupt. They were prone to be infected with viruses and posed a threat to humanity. Since all humans are now part machine, 'humans' become

I got Darksiders 2 for the Wii U when it was on sale for like $8. I enjoy it and the gamepad screen is really convenient.

The art is fine, the masks on the sides are pretty cool, but it looks off. The corners with the masks should have hugged the edge of the 3DS lid. I guess the lid is also super glossy, and I prefer a more matte look. It was certainly over-hyped, but the reaction people had for it proves Nintendo was right from a

In retrospect Bleach was really bad, but I really enjoyed the premise of the Hueco Mundo arc and really liked the character designs and transformations. IMO Aizen was a better villain than anything in DBZ or Naruto, he was more methodical. But as a series Bleach was bad, and Kubo didn't put up enough resistance

Now playing

In case anyone wasn't aware of it, I have a sad tale. The team that created Metroid Prime were going to make a FPS Mega Man X. One of the many games to fall casualty in Capcoms Mega Man Massacre.

I have seen a few episodes of the Anime, I thought it was pretty cool, but having seen all of Bleach, Naruto, and DBZ (minus fillers of course) One Piece is much too daunting. Maybe an easy way to get through the story and characters would be to play a video game based off of it? If I can plow through 'chapters'

I don't really follow One Piece but is their a series conclusion in mind? Bleach and Naruto had an end goal you knew would be reached eventually, is One Piece the never-ending story?

There is only one game you can't play on it right now, Xenoblade, and it's not even out. It's also available to play now and is said to look better on the Wii with the games sequel coming out soonish which will blow the original away (I'm just skipping Xenoblade and waiting for the sequel personally). As of right now,

I'd say they screwed up. The image is upside-down and just look at all that empty space between the border of the art and the edge of the 3DS.

Why are they shoving Deadman's Cross on Vita? What an odd port from a mobile game. The game is pretty bad even for F2P standards, I wonder if they will charge for it.

Being a trophy is nothing. Massive difference from a Trophy to a playable character.

The fake was well done, but Nintendo putting an Ubisoft character in Smash? No way Nintendo throws Ubi a bone like that.

The 3rd party fighters in Smash are all gaming legends: Snake, Sonic, Pac-Man and Mega Man. If Nintendo wants to put more 3rd party characters in Smash they can certainly aim a lot higher. Rayman is lucky to just have a trophy.

I know this is a basic 3DS feature, but it's still awesome and worth a mention. Being on the 3DS you can put the game on hold a lot easier than you could on a console. In the middle of a dungeon but have to stop playing? Just close the 3DS and resume later. Zelda has never been so friendly to jump in and out of

My original plan was to be playing it right now, but as I thought about it more, it became a pass (for now). The New3DS doesn't offer enough to be worth the money. Using the money for pure gaming entertainment I could get more value spending it elsewhere as I am already a 3DS XL owner. I am interested in Xenoblade,