Peanut Butter Pinecone

I figured if I bought it, it would always be staring at me... haunting me. People would come up to me and ask what the spikey haired walrus was... What I'm going to do is buy some really cool decals (Mega Man or EarthBound) and stick it on the way I want it. I can't really go wrong this way. The only problem is I

I have in it my checkout cart... I want it, but I just can't get over the image orientation! So conflicted. I think I'm just going to get the black one launch day. Grrrrrr

I think I am being narcissistic haha. I want it to look right to complete my image of me holding a 3DS. The way it is now feels like wearing a shirt backwards. Can't get too many compliments or oogles with a backwards shirt!

Different pose for Rosalina, but no new Amiibo for her. This makes 2 retail exclusive Amiibos having unique functionality outside of Smash. Maybe they will have Amiibo X Super Mario Wave 2?

Luigi is the only one, the rest look a lot cheaper than their smash counterparts.

Now Monster Hunter is a game that's worth having digitally.

People were actually worried this wasn't coming to NA?

Free to play? Sold!

They even said they wanted Tingle in the base game but Aonuma didn't. It feels held back.

That's kind of why I didn't think they would add Skull Kid. They already used the Moon attack (in a stupid way imo) instead of holding it back for one of Skull Kids attacks.

I have been playing the game since launch and this is the first DLC pack for Hyrule Warriors that I find even slightly worth it. 2 new characters should have been a standard for every DLC pack! The base game felt a bit on the lighter side of content. If all the DLC was already in the game from the start I wouldn't

The pre-installed Majora's Mask: 3D might be a deal-breaker for me. Of all the franchises I want to own a physical copy for, Zelda is near the top. Between this and the image being upside-down (in my opinion) I am probably going to pass.

They show it all in the video. The inside is all black, no colored buttons :(

The Majora's Mask 3DS is Gamestop exclusive? I really despise having to deal with that wretched place in anyway, I thought this would be on store shelves everywhere on launch. I'm also upset the image is upside-down. I like the image on the 3DS to be right side up when playing.

I don't think we will hear about F-Zero if the Diddy Kong Racing 2 rumors are true.

I wouldn't count on it, it's being used as an incentive for XL owners to buy the smaller N3DS. I don't really care if the N3DSXL doesn't have plates, I just get some cool decals and trick out my 3DS on my own.

But will it come out with a use for it? Doesn't seem to be any N3DS exclusive games and there is no 3DS Amiibo support yet. All that I know of is the use of the c-stick in Smash 4 3DS.

I was surprised the original was never released outside of Japan, even if it was just download only.

Less obvious, but Gen V, dEINo, ZWEIlous, hyDREIgon. German for 1, 2, and 3. Deino and Hydreigon are brilliant names.

I would pre-order through Amazon if it was delivered to me on release day. That won't happen though.