Peanut Butter Pinecone

You're own Halo collection should still work on the Xbox One. If I put a Halo: CE Xbox game in, it should work. If I put Halo 3 in, it should work. No backwards compatibility is a deal breaker.

Not just a 20gb update, but a 20gb update in Fall 2014. Expect games to have similar updates even larger in due time. I remember when XBLA games had to be under 50mb.

Pokemon order from best to worst:

The Mario Kart 8 DLC is one of the best examples of proper DLC. The game is established complete, the news of the DLC is exciting, almost like a new game, and the price makes complete sense. I really hope we see similar excitement about Smash DLC with new character/costume/stage hype & speculation.

Phantasy Star Online made me by a DreamCast after it was already defeated, and it made me buy an original Xbox and live. I don't understand how Phantasy Star Universe could have failed so hard, but I heard PSO2 was good, but it is Japan exclusive.

Looks like they are trying to be too international, and looks a bit cheap, something I would expect from a start-up league but not an established league poised to flourish.

EarthBound/Mother would be incredible in 3D. They could have it be third person, with clean and quirky visuals like animal crossing. EarthBound was known for its crazy environments and characters and bringing the game to 3D would only open that up more. The brilliant minds could come up with a new battle mechanic,

They really should be celebrating more, they just advanced in the playoffs!

The Master Core is Giygas from Earthbound/Mother 2.

People are playing this to the ground to unlock stuff, which is an experience that was always a console experience. It's because of this I think the 3DS version is seen in a slightly skewed light. It's Smash on the go, but right now it's the only Smash. When the Wii U version is out, the 3DS smash will fill it's

I think right now it's partially "addictive" because there haven't been a lot of game releases yet. The current gen library is not good yet. Nothing looks very good coming towards the end of the year either. I guess if you like FPS there is COD and Halo. Maybe GTAV on current gen will break some Destiny addicts.

I think that Destiny commercial where they show a bunch of scores are missing some.

If they want to see a real drop in game time while keeping the game the same, they could subtract an inning. MLB already doesn't have a problem allowing a result with less than 9 innings played. They could even go back up to 9 inning games for the playoffs where time isn't as scrutinized.

You can't use them online, and most of the actual Pokemon are absolute crap now because of TCG power creep. The trainers are a different story and are insanely OP in unlimited (not the Pokemon Online unlimited, that is HeartGold/SoulSilver and on). Just to give you an idea of the power, Base Set Professor Oak 'discard

Welcome back to the world of the Pokemon TCG! I have been playing for years although I'm not the type of player that is seeking a Worlds invite and going across the map to every tournament. Pokemon Online really gave me that competitive fix while keeping me fresh when I do make it around to some tournaments. This is

It's Magic: 20XX, it's not the same as the Magic: Online service. I had the console version of Magic: 2013 and it was a stand-alone game. Maybe it has changed and offers competitive in format dueling now, but they would just require you to get Magic: 2016 when that comes out so it's not a single app that continuously

I think you can play this on a surface because you can install the game as if it was the PC version... I'm not entirely sure about all the ins and outs of the Surface. If you are able to, you just wouldn't be able to use the touch interface the same way as the native tablet version.

Congrats! The Pokemon TCG beat Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh! to an up to date competitive online version on a tablet. The Pokemon TCG is on it's way to becoming the most accessible TCG out there, if it isn't already.

Getting enough people to sit down with the proper patience and engagement is the most satisfying feeling for some of us.

For a DYKG there wasn't a whole lot of beefy information like with the previous Nintendo Handheld entries. Pretty dry and they had to fill up the video talking about Pheonix Wright and durability. Probably because it's a bit too early to be making a DYK on the DS and a lot of information has yet to come out.