
You’re a horrible person for making me laugh like that...

Sheesh. Looks like proper kerning died, too.

I’m dorky enough that I can look at it and think, “Names were probably written out in Chinese based on the pronunciation on the hanzi, not the meaning.” The Kanji for “gold” is read as “kin” in Japanese, and is probably quite similar in Mandarin.

Well based on the rest of the article, it already seems like Nowak hates cruises for some reason or other. No wonder he’s ad-libbing and adding falsities. “I hate cruises, so I’m gunna make stuff up!”

I think you are correct. There’s some info about the grey water tanks overflowing, but nothing about the sewage tanks. The concern with the grey water overflow is that it mixed with the oil in the bilge water, and then was pumped back into the grey water system for discharge. Still bad, but doesn’t look like any

It was oil contaminated water from the bilge, not black water.

Nope. Oily. They were dumping oily bilge water, not sewage.

Bilge water does not usually contain shit and piss. It might, but only if the crew is shitting and pissing on the floor. Sewage is completely separate from the bilge, which is just where water collects in the bottom of the ship. It’s dirty, yes, but it’s not sewage. The source article says “oil contaminated waste” and

I’m confused. Are they in trouble for pumping untreated bilge water overboard, or black water (toilet waste)?

Bilge water doesn’t contain human waste, unless maybe the crew is peeing on the engine room floor. Bilge water is literally water that collects in the bilge. It is usually full of fuel oil and other junk that comes off of the engines and other mechanical things.