
I love the artwork in Desinity these are super cool!!! i wonder if you can buy these helmets

wow so you whore yourself out to pay off your student loans? that is fucking disgusting, and the fact that you believe this? did you know she published a website the day before this? /

All the kardashains should pull a jimmy Hoffa and go missing or OD already

FUCK THE OBAMAS!!!! he was a terrible president and she spent tax payer money like a gold digging whore

its a spanking get over it!! there are kids in the world that are tied down to beds and raped, this is just an article to take away from the real issues

Wow way to be a bigot!!! its his opinion let him have it

Fuck em!! i served and those fucking people are sick in the head 60 year old men marry 9 year old girls??? thats not something normal people do it was sick fucks do