
He’s too tall, way to easy to tackle a guy that tall, and its harder for him to get low quickly to scrum.

So you can afford to park a car in NYC and you were handed down an AMG mercedes. How long before HamNo comes for your trust fund?

Has anyone done a v6 or a 4cyl turbo swap on these? I would think a modern engine with less weight would make these cars awesome.

given this distribution:

Your future husband now has mercury poisoning.

If Sanders and Trump are different sides of the same coin, that coin being everyone’s fatigue with career politicians. Why is it so hard to see why she is disliked? She’s the face of big money in politics for the left, she has done nothing to shy away from Super PACs. If the electorate is fed up with this, why is


Yeah it really is quick, and I have no need to drive a radio flyer wagon on the highway, a lot of people don't get how open it is until they ride in it.

I starred this, just because I’m a Renegade owner and the my sky roof is awesome.

I read through this article hoping so find some good wrenching and what I got was “spacers”. I would amost say that 1.25 inches isn’t even a lift. I expect better from Jalopnik.

Sure, you claimed kitty Genovese as an example of New Yorkers not being neighborly and that it’s better outside of New York. I gave you two famous more recent examples that proved that New York is plenty neighborly. You asserted that crime is somehow worse now (it’s not, I’m tired of googling for you you can find

Yes, and no one commits violent crime in Texas right? Lets check the rates between Dallas (near where the flooding is) and NYC per 100,000 people

First of all Kitty Genovese died 52 years ago, maybe things have changed since then? The only reason you know who she is, is because there was an article on Gawker last week about her killer. I seem to recall NYC neighborhoods coming together after hurricane sandy and 9/11, and I could link to about a billion good

Guessing she didn’t whisper “don’t kill me”

Yes they think that. Because Margaret Sanger supported eugenics 100 years ago, since she founded the basis of Planned Parenthood they think that this is a driving force in the pro-choice movement.

Rice University is in Houston, can you cite something that isn’t biased by where you live? NY has 6 michelin 3 start restaurants, and 10 2 stars. The food in NY is close to tops in the world, and if you think there isn’t food there from other cultures you have a serious problem. We get it, you like living there, maybe

The girl to guy ratio in Denver keeps it out of the top 10, its a sausage party with weed.

Houston is not the most ethncially diverse city, #1 is Jersey City #3 is New York.....Houston is 16th. by great food you mean great BBQ. New Orleans will kick Houston’s ass in food and music as will Nashville. Theater and Museums? you want to compare to New York? this is preposterous.

maybe they have body image issues? confidence might not be their strong point... but lets kick them while their down anyway.

Warren Buffet floated them a loan in the middle of the great recession because the banks that provided loans to their customers weren’t doing so well, so what. Everybody’s sales were down globally. HD stock price is down recently but that doesn’t mean they are quickly dying, when they no longer have a profit margin