This playlist is amazeballz.
This playlist is amazeballz.
waiting for the Glenn Greenwald hot take that this is the deep state.
yeah except the gap between “minimum” wage and “livable” wage is currently very large. You can raise a workers salary 25 cents and they are magically no longer minimum wage workers. In 2015 3 million workers were making their state minimum wages, at the same time 15 million workers were making less than $10 an hour.…
Sure, but when someone says “half my paycheck goest to taxes” its actually not crazy, the number is a whole lot higher than whatever your income tax rate is, and I think that gets lost because people just focus on the federal income tax.
could you have a republic that isn’t democratically elected? The answer is yes, so they aren’t synonyms.
Uh, no it isn’t. A country with a democratically elected government is a democracy. A republic is built on the foundation of laws. Technically the US is a democratic republic. We democratically elect people to create laws and run the country based on those laws.
Thats only in income tax, you have state income tax, SSI/DI, property taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes. At the end of the day, there is a good chance this guy pays 50% of his income in taxes, just not all to the same place. It really isn’t a stretch to close that last 17%.
The state has electoral votes, the individual voter does not. Like I said, a person that voted for Hillary in Wyoming has no “value”, because the electoral votes are going to another candidate. You can’t assign an electoral value to an individual voter.
Its not. If I lived in Wyoming and voted for Hillary, my vote would be “worth” nothing. How is a vote worth nothing 5 times more valuable than a vote in California? This idea that singular votes have “value” is very odd. your vote and the person’s vote in Wyoming are the same.
yes, and a free turkey at thanksgiving
Yeah I agree with most of what you say, except the cheap and convenient part. Thats what is a non-starter, a cheap convenient ID would not ensure voter integrity any better than what is already in place.
It doesn’t matter what you are going for, the whole point of this is to have an ID that proves voter eligibility for the location. Even if you have legal ID you might not be eligible to vote there. Free and convenient is expensive for the tax payer, and not secure enough to actually prove voter elligibility. So why…
No, not every post office serves as a passport office. Some don’t do it at all, some require appointments, some won’t take photos. Congrats on living where its convenient, but its not true for everyone. Even at the post office a passport costs $110 plus execution fee and take s 4 to 6 weeks to process with out…
Actually it does, because I’m assuming AAA doesn’t vet their employees. They might not even drug test. Does AAA train people to spot discrepencies in documentation? What quality control does the state have over AAA employees? None? because its none. Just because AAA has their computer linked the state database doesn’t…
“Identification” and “State issued secure identification” are two different things. I can cash a check right now, by signing it, handing it to a person who has an account and having them sign it. Why do I need ID? you can cash a check with a Blockbuster video card. How do you think people live off the grid? you can…
making government services convenient is expensive, tell the “no new taxes” crowd how much it will cost to put DMV employees at every polling location and see how that goes for you.
If you make them free and super easy to get, then they cease being secure which is the point of all this. you can get a shopper’s card at any grocery store for free and very easily, are you ok with people using that to vote?
You have to pay for a passport, how much do you think it would cost to give everyone a passport? a free ID would just be another “entitlement”. Besides that have you been to a passport office? would you want to deal with them everytime you move? Besides that, if everyone has a free ID how would you disenfranchise a…
There is plenty of manufacturing in the US, the problem is its not done by people. We do double the amount of manufacturing in the US that we did in 1975, we do it with half as many jobs? how is it possible to do 2x as much with 1/2 as many people? Automation. Your jobs are not being sucked overseas, they are being…
It’s a real measurement for wood in the US and Canada. Its about 3.6 cubic meters. Its a stack of wood 4 feet high, 4 feet deep, and 8 feet long.