PB from the jar

Oh man, I just took a peek out of curiosity. It looks like every other frigging lifestyle blog out there, but somehow worse.

And they had such a cool aesthetic. Very ‘zine. 

I was unaware of this book (granted, I was a high school freshman when it came out), but a big player in my personal sex ed was Deal With It from gurl.com. It was pretty raw when it came to discussions on sex, and as someone who went to Catholic school (i.e. we were shown a sketch of Fallopian tubes once per year, and

Yeah, I was just trying to think of a parallel that Americans would be able to relate to. YTV was (is? Is it still on air?) a unique entity in Canadian media, I agree.

@BBMAKOFFICIAL is not a verified account. Therefore, I do not believe this news.


I am very disturbed by the amount and type of comments on this little girl’s pics, posted by her star-hungry parents. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m honestly concerned, and that doesn’t usually happen a lot, at least not in the direction of Insta-stars.

:( :( :( :( :(

Hot take: the UK version of Animal Crackers is far superior to the US/Canada version. Taste, texture - no contest.

Also, does anyone else hear a pump-’em-up, bass-driven song when they look at the new packaging. Kinda reminds me of any slow-motion walk toward the camera in an ensemble action flick, a la Oceans 11 or

I spat my coffee at that one, too.

Same! I accompanied one of my friends to her shoot and sat there looking morosely out at the food court until that pink feathered boa left her shoulders.

The photographer couldn’t have been more than a year or two older than us. 

Not to defend Bella’s tone-deaf defense, but in my line of work I deal with a few cosmetic packaging manufacturers, and while they do offer bespoke solutions they usually have popular standards they will customize (colors, logos, even finish) for their clients. From there, it’s up to the client to fill it with

We want to evoke critics’ five senses and use the age-old KISS approach (keep it simple, stupid).

Though I am in no way defending Pence, I do still have clippings from college when I was the author of a student column in our local community paper. One of my opinion topics (and yes, they pretty much let me have free rein on that front): “Why I’ll never get tattoos.” Now that I have six (maybe seven?) pretty visible

Come for the scary Friends revival rumors, stay for the pointed dismissals of Aniston’s sexist haters.

Hot take: in that picture they look like they could be siblings.

You’re welcome. 

:D Thank ye! 

I feel like this isn’t a reflection of the production quality of the show - it looks as though they told her “We need you to get some footage of you walking around to use as a teaser. Also, look into the camera and say I’m Lindsay Lohan, and I’m a member of the MTV family,’” and then she went and fucked that up too.

I have to figure out where I can stream this; I MUST.

Totally. It’s one story in a collection of short stories, and recall it being a very, very quick read (though I did read it like 20-something years ago ... gah ...). Hopefully they don’t mess it up too-too much ...

Over my 10-ish years as an editor at various print publications (yes, they still exist!), I can’t tell you how many times I have had to reprimand writers - writers with decades of experience, writers who have been editors in previous roles, writers who are doctors and teachers and celebrated members of society- for

My brain got stuck in a “THE Ed Helms?” loop upon reading that blurb. I am not against this pairing.