
He actually started out as one of the more liberal candidates.  Pretty early on he realized this wasn’t getting him anywhere and that’s when he suddenly became a centrist.

“and how his campaign aimed for the center so successfully”

Still waiting to hear about Beto O’Rourke being made CEO of the X-Games.

This article was brought to you by the campaign to elect Bernie Sanders.

I feel like the level of piss was perfect! Pete is a cynical corporate politician trying to extend his 15 minutes. He needs our discouragement

I like how Sam Bee did it on Wednesday. She had her staff write jokes for her that she didn’t get ahead of time so she was reading from the prompter blind.  Watching her try not to crack up after some of the jokes about herself they wrote was pretty funny

Remember when Sarah Palin was the worst person you could imagine to become president?

Well, considering he was changing the opening lyrics of Baby Got Back and the lyric is “She’s just so... black.”, switching that to “waspy” would be kind of a stupid way to be clever, wouldn’t it?

Do you need to speak to his manager?

Oh my god, Becky, look at her politics. They are so infantilizing. She looks like one of those Republican guys’ girlfriends. Who understands those Republican guys? They only talk to her because she looks like a total pro-gun nut. I mean, her politics, they’re just so infantilizing. I can’t believe they’re just so...

That caller was just awful. I vaguely remember reading the answer of the ‘cure’ for baldness and it was something like snail mucus. And it 100% does not cure baldness, at all.

Thank god they found the source of that song. I could not handle more disappointment after the mystery stuff that is a cure for baldness was never named in that call-in episode a few weeks back.

I mean if you’re handwringing over a pedophile then same

He’s also been the front-runner for the Hugo Award two years running.

The unsettling thing is that a pedophile almost got paid to write a book

Yeah, it is really terrible how quick people are to dismiss accusations of child abuse and disbelieve women.

Chuck Tingle

Chuck Tingle started off self-publishing and he's the world's greatest author.  If Allen really wants his memoir out there, he can self-publish, too.  A publisher not publishing a book isn't the same thing as censorship.

The reason is that Woody Allen is an old-ass man and the things you just said would terrify and confuse him.  He wants a nice little published book the way it was done when the famous people he liked were famous.