
never go full horny

We’ll hear from his other uncle, Rock, in twenty years when he’s finished cutting through the wall of his cell in Shawshank.

Update: Armie’s been disowned by his parents, Sledge and MC.

The guy screaming “read the standing orders, read them and understand them” is basically the embodiment of many of the Councillors I’ve met. Jumped up control freaks who want to rule their little empires and can’t see past their own incompetence while in fact probably know the least about their area than most.

I can’t believe this was once an empire that ruled the globe.  

They’ve always struggled with this category. I vaguely remember back in the ‘90s there was a film made in the US in Spanish and the film makers had to point out that the US doesn’t have an official language (also though obviously it has a de facto one), and it wasn’t a foreign film. So I don’t mind them dropping the

I feel like a lot of MTV’s shows at the time suffer from expired music licensing issues—The State also had this problem when they released the show on DVD. A lot of their skits suffer without the original music, as well.

Fuuuuuuuuck. One of my favorite artists of all time. The first rapper I was able to get my wife to listen to and enjoy. I was just introducing my brother to the DANGERDOOM album a couple weeks ago. Truly one of a kind flow and lyrics, AND he produced a wealth of fantastic beats for himself and others.

Devastating. The best flow in the game.

Gone too soon. Time to blast ssome Madvillain.

This is incredibly sad. I don’t listen to a lot of rap or hip hop but I’ve always been impressed by his work. A true artist has been lost much, much too early. 

There’s just no two ways about it, he was one of the best ever. I remember goin to see him at Rock The Bells 2006 and even though it was for sure an imposter it didn’t dissuade how much I loved him.

The only time this dumb ass panel has even been justified:

“I don’t understand vaccines medically.” Wow. It’s probably one of the more easier medical science concepts.

Isn’t her character in Black Panther a scientist? Ironic. Polls have shown Black community support for a vaccination is distressingly low—and you can hardly blame Black people for being skeptical that medicine has their best interests at heart, given the entire history of the USA and things like the Tuskegee syphilis

All these motherfuckers and bitches talking about “thinking for yourself” sure like to mindlessly post horseshit from youtube.

Well after reading a bit of that Twitter thread, this is clearly a case of "I'm not smart, I just play someone who is in movies and on TV."

Ah yes, asking questions and thinking for yourself about complex science that you don’t understand, always a good idea, and something that is totally happening.