
This is wrong. Herd immunity is a thing for vaccinations and masks. Both protect the people around you much more than they protect you.

Cases in Georgia can be shown to be dropping if you just rearrange the order of dates! /supersarcastic because we’re all idiots! Eat my CoVid, boomers! and Gen Xers! and kids, have a Kawasaki-like syndrome on top! ‘Murka

You sound like one of those people who cuts the seat belts out of their car.

Wearing the mask is for others’ benefit, not your own.

I’d like to get it when we know more about how this strain works, know more about treating it, and when there is less of a chance that a whole bunch of people are getting it at the same time.

Georgia’s cases aren’t dropping, though.

“In my county we have had a total of 121 fatalities, and at least a third of those where reported as the Rona but most likely something else.”

Yes, because overwhelming the systems with sick and dead people is better.

Sorry I read the comments.

My God, the comments here. We truly live in the dumbest time in history.

I don’t entirely disagree with you other than about masks. I think they probably can help, and they certainly won’t hurt. I will be wearing one when around other people for the foreseeable future, and would prefer everyone else did too. Hell, it will probably cut down on the number of plain old colds you get.

Texas is a big state, stop generalizing. I’m from “your area” too and dispute at least half of what you’re saying.

My state, Michigan, is taking reopening pretty slowly. Just today our Governor announced that certain rural parts of the state will be able to open bars, restaurants, and retail at 50% capacity this weekend. I really hope that it isn’t too soon. At the same time, I’m cautiously optimistic that we are taking the right