
Midwest? Looks like old west.

Things I've taken away from this video:

Yes. America is VERY out of touch with getting into shape.

"If it isn't solved as soon as possible, authorities in the US and Europe should nail them with everything they have."

How do they hold up against police spikes? I need to know that for purely educational purposes.

I think this might be the one your looking for. If not, it's still worth checking out:

"Ass Klown" (with a "K"). I didn't know they had Juggalos in Pakistan.

What a shitty situation.

When they become middle-aged suburban mothers, they're totally gonna reminisce about this at their monthly margarita night. "OMG, you guys. We were so crazy back then."

Shooting Challenge: Wild Tigers

I like how there was an AT&T Ad running on her site (160X600).

This app no compute (that's cyborg for "it didn't work").

Why did they test this out at a Glamour Shots?

I think it's Xtreme!

If I was selling a haunted house, I would try to convince the buyer that the ghost where desirable like Marilyn Monroe or skinny Elvis.

@Omnislip You're probably right. But, I work for a very large broadcasting company. Those large purchases (mac pros) are the type of thing you see pop-up close to year's end, when someone's remaining budget need to be spent. I'm assuming it's actually a good (justifiable) expense for some people.

Man. +1 to Google. I love where their heads are. I appreciate any company thinks about the usability. Plus, this execution is a solid design, by my minimalist standards. Looks great to me.

Right now, from my desk at work, I can see 19 Mac Pros (most running double 27" monitors) . All pulling some heavy graphics lifting. I would love to see what would happen if they were replaced with iMacs. Actually, I wouldn't. It would be sad.

I often dog on Microsoft for their clunky UIs of the past. But, I totally appreciate this concept reel. Great looking. Forward thinking. Ambitious, but plausible-ish. +1 to Microsoft from me.

Of course all the fun happens AFTER I move away from Ohio.