Paul Bagosy

Except maybe some underage girls.

Stop! Stop! He's already dead!

Seven days.

Fuck that guy.

That didn't bother me, but the transporter accident at the beginning of The Motion Picture really messed me up.

Can't wait for the movie wrap-up where Van Wayne gets brutally impaled by some invention seconds after making a quip.

Kind of ironic that the very last second of Roy's career was allowing a breakway goal by a bottom-six forward.

Nah, he's a Putin fanboi.

::emerges from mother's basement::
ACTUALLY Starfleet follows a command structure similar to the Coast Guard.
::scurries back to basement::

Seriously, I was disappointed by a lack of Book It coverage in this article. That was the only reason we ever went to Pizza Hut.


Not necessarily true - the youngest official British soldier in WWI was Sidney Lewis, born in 1903 and fought at the Battle of the Somme when he was 13.

Stop making me think about things I love.

Yeah, definitely the biggest problem with online dating is the lack of personal context in messaging. It's one thing if you've met the person and are texting after - well, for me at least. I only need a few minute conversation to have a good text chat with someone and feel like I get most of the nuance of a

Gasoline has a shelf life of about a 6-12 months, and they're at about 22 months. Probably a bit beyond sketchy at this point.

Why would gasoline not have gone bad in the intervening years? How did the tiger know who to kill and who to get belly rubs from?

Turns out Faygo is a powerful implantation inhibitor.

I remember when buying a movie on VHS within the first year of release was cost-prohibitive.

I didn't even realize you could block people. What a great feature!

It's a well-known fact that victims cannot be manipulated in any way after an assault happens, so there's no possible way she signed that contract under duress. In fact, Dr. Luke is the real victim here.