Paul Bagosy

I'll agree to disagree (I like Atomic Bomb, particularly Love and Peace or Else and Crumbs From Your Table). Songs of Innocence sounds like U2 fan fic to me. It sounds like U2 trying desperately to imitate all of their imitators.

I can never decide if The Joshua Tree, The Unforgettable Fire, or Achtung Baby are my favorite.

Highly underrated.

And did you wear all of them while listening to KellyA spin at Ceremony?



I'm afraid it's going to be a long time before Hollywood warms up to casting robots in roles as robots when there are other, whiter actors who will play the roles in silverface.

Yeah, that's getting saved to my spank bank.

Let's think outside the box here and go with a woman.

The butler better hope that candlestick was of age.

I like to imagine Iggy from Taxi delivering Kirk's response.


Nothing better than having to read the novelization and the prequel comics and a brochure found in a box of the tie-in cereal in order to fully understand the movie!

Thank you kind gentlehair, you have made my day.

But make sure you dial 10-10-220 first!

That's bad.

The Bees: A Novel?

Let's go binge-watch Glee!

Excuse me, we prefer 'Wegro.'

Actually they did, it was a brand of toothpaste, and Starbuck was offering the last tube as a reward for discovering a habitable planet.