
Ooh, another good one I hadn’t thought of. But that’s their problem, isn’t it? Nobody really thinks about Genesis.

Check out this one. It almost looks like an old Elan.

I’d never have expected to say it, but here it goes....

Read the article again, more slowly this time.

Wait.... it’s only a matter of time.

This is how far Brocky fell after the crystal incident...

There’s one left on eBay right now, unfortunately I spent this month’s discretionary fund on a flamethrower...


Maybe you could use a pair of these.

For a second I thought “Bolwell isn’t that obscure”

Then I remembered the rest of the world still thinks we ride kangaroos.

If anything I’d be more likely to make an Eric Bana Beast clone

maybe instead he should accept he will never “go off-roading” and that the illusion of adventure offered by SUVs is exactly how car makers convince sad, pathetic people to buy their wallowy oversized boring hatchbacks.

you want adventure? get a back pack and a plane ticket. you want to wallow around in an oversized

It’s obvious what he needs.

102 in a 70?! I am quite disappointed in this guy.


Hi Nicholas:

We just need a trend started of lowering these things and we’ll get the manufacturers into building wagons again.

Thank goodness drag racing never had a street racing image problem like this.

works... but for how long?

With that short wheelbase it’s gonna be bustin’ wheelies for days!