
Have you watched a drifting contest before.

And a full selection of speed, cocaine and other varieties of drugs

Potentially a black roof as is the fashion

HAHA. I am from the metric system. So wasn’t thinking that fast. Though happy to watch the experiment

To ask

It’s easier toast for forgiveness than permission

Can tell you it doesnt corner real well

Honda Zot

0-100 time with the Golden Eagle on the trailer.

Been doing it since I was a kid too. They are semi-autonomous too. At least seem to have a mind of their own

At least it keeps the kids off the streets......

BUT why didn’t they spend some time, any time intergrating the rear door handles. They stand out like bulls nuts

*crosses fingers*

Humble Brag. Sweet rid

Pedestrians look out. Although I suspect it won’t take long for these to kill themselves on the nearest kurbs

Actually sully makes a lot of sense because nearly all small SUV’s look the bloody same now.

Just waiting for all the “it’s not a real AMG” comments in

Jeep Wrangler


There’s a good chance.