
I think this show probably has some of the best worldbuilding in Star Wars outside of the games.

/cheer /cheer! That’s a splendid selection of 2019 classics. Though something feels conspicuously absent above... hmm... can’t quite place my finger on it...

I am a non-critic regular person who was around when the original trilogy was in theaters and who enjoyed TLJ. I remember young Luke Skywalker being extremely whiny, and it makes complete sense that he’d turn into a disgruntled old hermit. It confuses me that more people don’t see it that way.

JJ may have gone too far in a few places.

I’m just gonna clarify some stuff I learned about this topic on recent times with some research, just so it’s not left for speculation or comparisons to other cases that doesn’t get quite there.

Backlogged: Spelunking on SR388 Edition

On this incredibly depressing evening, I’ll think back to the few bright moments in what has otherwise been an incredibly shitty year, for me personally and for the world as a whole. I actually played a ton of games this year, more than in many years previously. I managed to get sucked in to three separate games this

Reason is dead, everything will be ashes and the stupefied masses march gleefully toward destruction.

That game sounds pretty darn cool. But I still want a Die Hard Monopoly entry.


Who drew the dicks?

If you could give up your most well-known role/work to another actor/writer/reporter/singer/whatever to anyone, living or dead, who would it be and what could they bring to it that you couldn’t?

What Film would you like to go back and see on it’s initial release?

What movie ending frustrates you the most?

Serious question: at what point is a toilet too filthy to use in an emergency?

Man oh man, what a week it’s been ... in that there just hasn’t been much time for games lately. Too many projects here and there, but what I have run into is the mountain of bullshit around Rocket League, namely the end of its crate system. You’d be awarded crates, those crates would need keys to unlock, and those

This week, I returned to the comforting warm embrace of Star Wars: The Old Republic. I’m still doing the Imperial Agent class story as a female Zabrak. I’m still busy destroying the network of the terrorist known only as “The Eagle,” who assassinated Darth Jadus. I’d already taken out the Cyclone drug network on Nar

Backlogged: NecroSayonara Edition