
Maybe Eric Andre is more your thing? Many of his awkward interviews are the real deal.

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Yes. If you’re playing catch with your stepfather and your hand-eye coordination isn’t great.

It’s a holdover question from the Gameological website, and Kotaku started asking it a few years after Gameological moved to AV Club. While it might be logical to combine them, I’d be sad about AV Club merging this question into Kotaku because then it’d be one more nail in Gameological’s coffin.

Thanks! I’ll check it out soon, considering I don’t think I’m far from the end of the DLC.

Hmm, any hints or locations? I won’t look anything up about it, and feel free to be super vague. But considering I’m already 163 hours in, what’s a few more? The side quests are just as good as the main ones.

By haphazardly mashing together two genres that should not, by all rights, go with each other, it set a sort of mantra that ran all through the early catalog of the system: “Hey, why not?” It’s an artifact of an era where new technology was forcing people to radically redefine what games could be at a rapid pace,

I’m sure it’s well made, as I respect Founder’s beers overall. But it was my first time trying something like it, so I have no context on whether it was Founder’s fault or the beer style’s fault. If it’s highly ranked in the fruit ales category then fruit ales are probably not my thing.

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Every now and then as I’m reading your posts I see a really good line and panic, thinking “Did I star this yet? This deserves a star”. And so I scroll back up halfway through, only to see I’ve already starred it for something else. Killer review of Telling Lies SAM.

That’s totally fair, everyone has their own tastes. It just tasted too sweet and artificial for me, and it dominated the beer. I was hoping for the raspberry equivalent of this Blueberry Honey beer I had once (might have been Fat Head’s? I had it at a restaurant.) Something subtler might work better for me.

Interesting - I really like the idea of being given random rolls but using those rolls however you see fit. That appeals to the min-maxer in all of us. There are plenty of times where low rolls in D&D are just boring, because the failure is either frustrating or isn’t made interesting by the DM. It’s nice to see a

Ooh, now that’s an interesting idea! I’m still not super keen on buying another pack of Rubaeus, but should one fall into my lap I’ll keep that in mind. Is there a proper ratio for mixing or is it just 1:1? Never really mixed beers before.
Also yes, it’s a nightmare to remember how to spell. 

When I had first heard that I should try Founders, the only 6-pack available at the store was the Rubaeus. I was open to trying something new. To this day it’s the only beer I’ve poured down the sink. 

Missed that editing window, ah well.
“...which is why I’ll probably never so it will always hold a special place in my heart.”

I remember going to a con and having Jewel Staite sign my DVD’s. At the time I was wearing a shirt that said “BRING BACK FIREFLY”, a shirt which my wife had bought for me. To kind of start a conversation I asked “what do you think about Firefly coming back?” and you could immediately tell that she gets this question

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Does that just mean cool, or is it like....miles ahead?

What a good take. You think you guys will ever do a Draft feature like they do at the Takeout? (ex. What’s the best salty snack?, but a video game topic instead)

Best video game soundtrack? If you’re stuck, top 3 best!

How do you guys feel about Sea of Thieves now that it’s been updated so much? On a bigger scale, how has reviewing changed for you in the age of “games-as-service”?

Fungal Wastes is a terrible place to be in early game. Funnily enough my first playthrough took me there early on, but in my second playthrough I rushed through cause I knew there wasn’t much to be done there just yet. You’ll get back to it later in the game and it will be a lot easier to deal with.

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Alright, I’ll be honest. I know what I said. I know no one is guilting me but me. But I still didn’t play Witcher 3 this week.