
Joss Whedon really specializes in relationship-building, “hang-out” moments. You see a scene like that every other episode in Firefly, where nothing is really happening but the crew enjoying each other’s company. If people were able to effectively steal that from him I wish more shows would do it, but when a

I understand! Crazy fans ruin fandoms. I’m still a huge fan of Firefly but I won’t begrudge someone not enjoying it.

Yeah, I considered including “in my estimate” in my comment, considering it’s not the only reason why Firefly was canceled. But airing them out of order certainly didn’t do Firefly any favors.

Yeah, I’m sure that’s the case. The DVD sales were the main reason why Serenity happened, after all. Still, when you look at reasons why the show was canceled, that one is pretty prominent. “Would that this desk were a time desk...”

Starting with the pilot was the only thing that mattered chronologically, and what did they do? They made it the second episode. What?

This isn’t personally my answer, but considering Fox aired the episodes of Firefly out of order that one works by default, for any of you that watched it when it debuted.

Philadelphia, how do you feel about Gritty?

I came late to the franchise with Destiny 2, and pretty much enjoyed it for the first year of its life. I didn’t really know much about the lore at all besides aliens were declaring war on guardians and you’re the only guardian with powers left so fight back. I didn’t know anything deeper for a while longer, and

Yoshi main here. There are dozens of us! Dozens!

In 8th grade summer break was just starting and I was looking for something to do. I saw a bootleg DVD my brother was lent legitimate, legal DVD set of Firefly. I was instantly smitten. I went through that DVD set in about 4 days, and considering this was pre-netflix this was pretty impressive binging for me. Little

Of all the wrong takes I’ve seen on AV Club before, this one hurts the most.
I mean, I’m white, so I can’t deny it with any authority.  But it certainly strikes me as untrue.

I’ll grant you it’s perfect for being a lullaby. But his voice is like butter and it kills me it’s not used more.

This is way more epic and serious than I expected. Not sure what to think of that, though I’m sure I’ll check it out. But even if it turns out to be bad, as long as Jonathan Groff gets to sing a real song in this one, I’ll be happy. Reindeers are better than people is such a tease. 

Interestingly, the pope has only declared something infallibly once (about the Assumption of Mary). For him to speak infallibly he has to speak “ex cathedra” or ‘from the chair’, and do a bunch of other ceremonial stuff. The Pope is just the Bishop of Rome, but due to how big Rome was back in the day he is considered

No way, that’s QoTSA? I clearly have not watched this movie enough times.
Also, obligatory quote: “Yoo hoo shitheads, I just found a bag of fireworks in the men’s rest room. Would you guys like to light them off?”

I highly encourage you go into a homebrew campaign! The official adventures are great but definitely encourage you to go out and do it on your own next time. It’s a lot of fun, especially when your players are great. 

Coming as a surprise to no one, I am playing Kingdom Hears III, because I needed to see this through to the end. And what a conflicting game this is! The new version of Dearly Beloved made me tear up. The Hikaru Utada anime music video was as on point as always. And then suddenly we’re back into the strangely

Posted on the wrong article, sorry. If only I could delete things

It’s an incredible game and if you have the self-control to put it down and not look back, then I would heartily recommend it and suggest you not put it at the end of your “to-game” list. But if you’re worried you’ll get sucked in like countless others, then yes, definitely wait.