
Coming as a surprise to no one, I am playing Kingdom Hears III, because I needed to see this through to the end. And what a conflicting game this is! The new version of Dearly Beloved made me tear up. The Hikaru Utada anime music video was as on point as always. And then suddenly we’re back into the strangely

Posted on the wrong article, sorry. If only I could delete things

It’s an incredible game and if you have the self-control to put it down and not look back, then I would heartily recommend it and suggest you not put it at the end of your “to-game” list. But if you’re worried you’ll get sucked in like countless others, then yes, definitely wait.

I remember when I was stuck in the rut that is Stardew Valley and was worried no one would come to rescue me. The game is just so good, relaxing, and warm! And it works great on the Switch! There are some artifacts left over from the PC version, but overall the whole concept of the game is perfect for the Switch.

Hello all! This weekend I will be continuing to drive my caravan forward in Banner Saga 2. The choices continue to be hard and I continue to be trusting and it still is probably a bad idea. I can’t play video games pragmatically, let alone evilly, so trying to lead this caravan has certainly made the clash between my

This weekend I will be continuing to play Banner Saga 2 & Smash Bros, and might mosey into RDR Online or Destiny 2. I’ll see where the long weekend takes me! I’ll be hunkering down for the snow with my wife and my new cat, so we have lots of introverted plans. (In addition to video games, we got two new expansions of D

Thanks! Yeah I know that lowering armor is important so I did prioritize the armor break stat and exertion early on. In my mind I thought you had to meet a threshold of armor before you could use your full strength on them, which I guess is technically true. Glad to know I was making armor-breaking more complicated

Thanks for letting me know about Rook / Alette! I figured whoever did it had to be the one to die, but of course I didn’t anticipate that ahead of time. I agree about the lose-lose decisions, though they will give you glimmers of hope just enough to not be a total downer. I liked celebrating the birth of a new child

It didn’t! It’s just the opportunity for being sarcastic to me was there, and lesser people on the internet would have told me to “read the article, dumbass”. At least, now that’s what I expect on the internet. Oof. Not a great sign huh.

I’m a sucker for puns. Take your star. And yeah, Night in the Woods was another inspiration I believe! The developers did an AMA on reddit when it launched and they mentioned some inspirations. Would love to hear about your game as you keep playing!

Thanks! I glossed over the fact there was an article and thought it was just on Chris’s instagram, so thanks for not being a jerk about telling me.

Did he say he was using the fast as a diet, or is he fasting for religious purposes?

Yeah, when the Captain hugs you I didn’t even hold back my “aww”.

Nice! The coffee pirates were so much fun to be around. Gosh, I feel like every act has some new character or group who is hard not to love. Enjoy!

How far in are you at this point?

I completed Wandersong & Banner Saga! A rare two-fer for me. These games could not be more different in tone but both were good games to grab for Christmas. Big spoilers for Banner Saga next paragraph, but no spoilers in the Wandersong paragraph.

“That’s how Mafia works.” 

I understand having to put it off, I’ve had to do the same at various points. But when you get the chance I’d keep Wandersong near the top of your “next to play” list.  It’s just a pleasant experience that puts a smile on your face, with occasional moments where the music and writing convey such emotion that you can’t

That tracks. Sam is secretly the hero of the whole story. The slapstick cutscenes are great. I recently played the LEGO star wars games on Gamepass, and the humor just works in any genre.

Hahahaha I love the humor of the LEGO games. I never played LEGO LOTR but that dwarf-tossing mechanic is bringing me such joy. I commend you on your effort to finish 12 in 12! Good luck. Hopefully I can do something similar and cut down on my backlog.