
Sorry, one more correction!

The wafers only become Jesus after the Eucharistic Rite in the mass. If I remember correctly, it’s kind of like a shabbat meal, where the eating of bread and drinking of wine takes place after the singing of a prayer? I’ve only been to one shabbat.

Y’know, I know I’m breaking one of my own rules by correcting someone on the internet, but...

Oh, I forgot! I picked up Battlefront II because my friends kept egging me on to. They are huge star wars fans, and while I feel a little bit of shame due to stigma, I take solace in that they removed the pay to win part for now. Buying it at a discount also helped.

That metal Icarus cover is amazinggg. I have insaneintherain queued up next, but I am familiar with his incredible Live At Grillby’s Undertale cover album and am sure it is quality.

I don’t want to speak out of turn and offer unsolicited advice, but do take care of yourself Wolfman. You can’t give what you don’t have, so if you don’t have writing energy for Shadow the Hedgehog, keep going to games that do give you energy. I am glad Bloodborne (of all things!) is providing that for you. Hope that

This weekend I’ll be celebrating a Christmas party, cause it’s still the season, right? We don’t schedule it around Christmas because no one can come and my family is huge, so it ends up being end of January and it’s all a little disorienting. So I’ll say it’s the same games as last weekend: Cuphead & Destiny 2 when I

Well..it could be good! The writing for the recent Lara Croft games has been pretty decent and already plays like an interactive movie (we should call those something else...maybe movie plays?). But execution is what matters, so I guess we’ll see?

The face of that ghost looks a lot like Gaster from Undertale, which is a semi-creepy easter egg. I wonder if that was intentional or not.

I have never gotten an A. And you know what? I’m fine with that. I KNOW MY OWN WORTH CUPHEAD.

What a good game series. I think it goes to show that it’s important for developers to not always think in boxes of “we’re developing an RPG” or “a shooter” or what have you - sometimes striking out on your own makes an incredibly memorable game. If I were to try and categorize it, I guess Phoenix Wright would be a

I find the only gratifying thing about dying and failing multiple times in Cuphead is the huge rush of endorphins that comes from finally killing them. I have run around the room in a “fuck you Flower Frenzy” state of joy.

On Xbox, I will continue my work on Destiny 2 & Cuphead, given the chance. This weekend is my niece’s baptism however, and so I will be bringing my switch to the after party for gaming with bros hopefully. That would mean Mario Kart, and probably one of the Jackbox games.

Can we try and abolish tomatoes from the fast food industry instead? It’s indirect, and also has the double effect of getting rid of the worst part of any fast food sandwich.

Wow, they definitely have a case for this. Opening piano riffs are almost identical, and the melody for both their first verses is very close to the same.

This discussion has actually got me on a wikipedia wormhole learning about classifications of art and one nice thing is art historians agree with both of you. Some say intention matters in determining whether something is art, others say it becomes art when placed in the context where we would normally view something

I can understand that, and I do in fact agree. I think generally I just get frustrated by the way others treat video games. I already know that video games are art, but as a defensive man I like having something to show to people who disagree. Sometimes it’s people who actually want to listen, and other times it’s

On the internet, it’s not enough in this day and age to only hate people who disagree with you. Gotta go after people that agree with you now to keep up!

This is going in my folder of evidence that video games are in fact art.

Starred for “Who was the first famous person you ever met?”